Dr series David Hawkins and Levels of Consciousness – How to get rid of sadness?

Did you know that sadness is a frustrated ego reaction to our expectations? Have you ever lost something and been sad? Did something not go your way and you felt helpless? We stay in uncertainty and our ego is averse to uncertainty. And that's where negative emotions come from.

We feel aversion to the unknown, not knowing if it will be as pleasant as we imagined it would be or as it was in the past.

Where does sadness come from?

Sadness arises from the illusion of thinking that everything will turn out as we imagined and that what we have will remain with us forever. For example: I buy a car and 3 years from now I plan to sell it at a profit and that doesn't happen. We got frustrated. We can crash the car, get robbed, that is, there are many possibilities. But our mind thinks everything is perfect.

Dr series David Hawkins and Levels of Consciousness – How to get rid of sadness?
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If we accept that everything is impermanent, that everything happens in synchronicity, we reduce our expectations and sadness. Only what has to happen will happen, without our control. We imagine that we control all situations and people as we want.

We control nothing!

We control nothing! We are only responsible for things, people, situations, as long as the synchrony of life allows. Therefore, if we overvalue the pampering that life offers us, we will act like tantruming children.

Who is dealing with the losses? The mature adult or the spoiled child inside you?

Dr series David Hawkins and Levels of Consciousness – How to get rid of sadness?
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For the mature adult, loss is natural. Even suffering, he faces it with courage and moves on. For the spoiled child, loss implies the feeling that he will never be happy again, that life is unfair, that God is punishing him. Then comes the sadness.

give up expectations

If we understand that everything is as it is, we exchange expectations for real intentions. Let go of: “I have to protect this tooth and nail” or “this is mine and it has to last forever” and do what you can: “I will do my best to enjoy it as long as I am allowed”.

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This approach based on the manifestation of reality protects us from illusions, the projections of expectations of our social circles on us and the unconscious cultural ideals of our society.

Understand this and other levels of consciousness by following the works of Dr. David Hawkins, who has deeply studied these states that we go through during our evolution. Understanding each of them is a beautiful step towards self-knowledge.

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