The Task is Love

Loving is a path in which one learns to follow only the good for all beings. It's thinking about yourself and the other at all times. Love teaches, is educational and teaches the greatest lessons in life. Love is a path of tasks, work and corrections. Love is a creative path to new life memories. Thus, all living beings learn to live in an ecosystem, awakening to the common good. That way there will be no more damage for some, there will be no more deaths. All beings are treated with the same respect and love. All beings have their space and they don't need to fight for it. There is mutual respect among all species. Each being must work the changes within himself so that a world of balance can exist. Love events only exist when there is respect and integrity between everyone.

In systemic life, where everyone is special, it is possible to live in the primary task of life, which is love. The maximum reality that an individual arrives at is love. If he is focused on aspects other than love, he will be completely out of the world of evolution. It is possible to evolve in the presence of love and restore all functions of a being. All living beings have an important task in the mission to develop themselves for a better future every day.

The Task is Love

Bees teach that life is simple, sweet and has it all. But the focus should be on executing your life's work in the best way. This goes far beyond your professional work. It is a work of evolution. It's above everything. In him you will find patience, benevolence, truth, love, fraternity, understanding, acceptance and harmony of living. Therefore, you will have a life of light, creating more and more inner luminosity. The life that restores the essential balance of living is the life that promotes light. Bees work directly to perform what they need. They don't work for others. They work to fulfill their divine proposals. It is in this way that they become grandiose and assume a primordial and beautiful task for the lives of many beings.

The Task is Love

Most human beings, trapped in materialism, have lost themselves in the beliefs of “having”, not “being”. In this way, life becomes useless, because after each purchase you realize that there is validity for the entire material world. They bring a slight satisfaction, then dissatisfaction again, as they cannot fill a being with energetic fullness. This fullness is only achieved in the activation of the inner nature. The life that really counts is the natural one. In each being, the only thing that matters is the natural, it is its nature.

Through the fraternal work of the bees, incredible results are obtained, such as honey and other products such as propolis and royal jelly, which improve vitality, stimulate vital energy and fulfill a function of protecting life, restoring and balancing the organism as a whole. It is a beautiful work done by bees, respecting plants and offering human beings a natural source of life.

The Task is Love

Health and illness are opposite paths indeed. Health needs natural principles. Illness demands stress, lack of respect, lack of love and peace. Therefore, it is clear that they are different frequencies for different purposes. Health emanates in high frequency. The disease emanates at low frequency. Everything is choices. Nature brings health. Individuality is respected. The community is key. The lack of nature leads to the path of non-love and the tasks will be “painful” for the understanding of life to be internalized.

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Life brings tasks of love, balance and health! When we don't understand or do them, tasks of pain, imbalance and illness will arise! Life is made of choices for results to happen!

Choose the task of love! It's simple and can be done every day!

Love & Light!


Fraternal hug!

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