The Dragon and the Sword – Freedom -You will see that a son of yours does not run away from the fight

    “Even if you cut off my arms and legs, you will not imprison my conscience.”

    This week I had the opportunity to drive down the road with my Dodge Magnum feeling the wind in my face and seeing the sun at its height, enjoying the landscape around me. All this after a very busy week, with conflicts and management of personal and spiritual activities among so many things I perform.

    Although you and I are experiencing a new abnormality of life or a new way of operating, each has acted and reacted in the face of the collective situation.

    In a conversation with a young woman about how I am behaving in the face of current events, I told her that, despite the abnormalities, I am living life normally with certain adaptations and care.

    Then she replied to me:

    — You're crazy, I'd rather wait for all this to pass!

    Will it be? Will pass? Do you believe that everything will go back to the way it was before?

    Without giving up on those of you who read this text, I believe that nothing will ever be the same again, because things are never really what they used to be, and yes, changes occur gradually or abruptly day by day!

    Life is made of risks.

    Life is a fair of cycles.

    Life is made of changes.

    Life is made of experiences.

    Life is made of living.

    The Dragon and the Sword – Freedom -You will see that a son of yours does not run away from the fight
    Jordan Benton / Pexels

    Risks are part of life, living is part of taking risks and everything is part of our human development.

    Of course, everyone responds to the facts of life according to their experiences and abilities, and there is no better, worse, more or less privileged person in the act of living.

    I say privileged in the sense that, if on average you have arms, legs, fingers and the average number of neurons that a human being has, you are capable.

    Capable, yes, capable not always, but capable of developing capacity

    • cognitive;

    • emotional;

    • and, consequently, consciential capacity.

    • On being a single mother in raising children
    • Leave your comfort zone to grow every day
    • Understand why you should take risks in your professional life
    • Understand the value we pay for freedom

    In the midst of adversity, live!

    Reinvent yourself!

    Maybe problems are just stimuli to develop.

    Problems are not problems, they are challenges.

    Problems are not roads or paths, but bridges to the paths of LIFE.

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