Pregnancy, Depression and Overcoming

Pregnancy was a big surprise, and it didn't take long for my mind to create chaos and mess up my life. Diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety during pregnancy, and still having difficulty gaining weight, I lived sad and immersed in loneliness, my days were summed up in bed and blanket, and I was still lost in negative thoughts. And so, in an act of rebellion from that situation, I decided to use the knowledge acquired in quantum physics, spirituality and cleaning techniques to change that reality.

I used the same energy of chaos, to co-create harmony, joy and abundance in my life. For such a change to be real, I started to practice guided meditations to heal the inner wounds, I also used the ho'oponopono technique to cleanse memories from my body and from my daughter, that tiny and fragile baby of 30 weeks. I also used the Hertz technique, Thetahealing and Grabovoi Codes, learned to send unconditional love to my little one and also used vibrational music to assist in my process. All the techniques used were for cleaning memories and my DNA, and also to reconnect with the Divine that dwells in me and in connection with Gaya and the Universe. (At the end of the text I will leave more information about the techniques).

Pregnancy, Depression and Overcoming

In a short time I was much better, I had resumed physical activity, eating better and enjoying nature more to feed my spirit. I discovered the wonder of painting pictures and mandalas, and I realized how colors and archetypes have a great power over us.

At the end of pregnancy, I was already in another vibrational frequency and I was very excited to meet the face of the most important person in my life. My little girl arrived and it was a party! The puerperium also arrived, and believe me, it was delicious. I had discovered the strength that lives in me, and even with the challenges of beginning motherhood, I was happy and willing.

Pregnancy, Depression and Overcoming

Today, after 3 months of the birth of my life, I am a new woman. I live the best phase of my life, much more lively, courageous, exciting, aware, loving and kind. I opened my company, which are vibrational paintings with colors that heal, and I also create content for the internet about awakening consciousness and the techniques I found on my path of healing and awakening consciousness.

Believe me, regardless of the situation you are living in today, the power to change everything and take a quantum leap in your life is in your hands. You have all the power. And if I managed to overcome this challenge and still exceed expectations about pregnancy and puerperium, believe me, you can too!

Pregnancy, Depression and Overcoming

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And I follow the path of awakening, which is a process, and I invite you to follow me on social media with more content and exclusive pieces.

Information about the techniques

One of the professors who helped me in this process with quantum physics was Hélio Couto, here is his official website:

The ho'noponono technique is Hawaiian, and was discovered by therapist Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len who healed the prison ward he worked with. The book that tells the story is Joe Vitale's Zero Limit.

The Hertz technique was created by the Spanish Elainne Ourives and has a lot of quality content on the internet. Here is her official website:

Thetahealing was created by the North American Vianna Stibal and won the world with energy healing. The unconditional love that I used during my pregnancy is part of the content of the author's books.

Grabobois codes were developed by Russian Grigory Grabovoi, and it assumes that everything is energy and that numbers have vibrations. There's a lot of cool content on the internet, and a youtube channel that helped me a lot was from Diego Araújo, follow the link:

And finally, on youtube you will find several channels that provide vibrational music, and here I will leave the one I accessed the most:

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