4 Lessons You Learn After Making Mistakes at Work

be the solution

β€œI am very grateful for the adversities that have appeared in my life, as they have taught me tolerance, sympathy, self-control, perseverance and other qualities. Without these adversities, I would never have known them.”

Napoleon Hill

Nobody starts the day saying: "Today I'm going to make a mistake!". Whenever we are committed and accomplishing something, we expect the best result to happen. We make a plan and take action. Good planning makes a big difference in the execution of a task. But know that unforeseen events always happen and mistakes do too. The difference is how you face this error. Do you blame yourself? Are you afraid of judgments? Fear of coming to the knowledge of third parties? Bombard yourself with phrases like, β€œWhy did I do this? How stupid of me…”

First step: don't despair. Stop, take a deep breath and think: What caused this error? Learn from the mistake, take responsibility and focus on the solution. Another tip is to live in the present moment. We are often so preoccupied with other assignments that we don't dedicate ourselves 100% to that moment.

Exhibitions dear

Okay, I messed up. I already know the reason for the error and I already have some alternatives to correct it.

Second step: Who should I inform about what happened? Assuming the mistake makes you grow personally and professionally, in addition to enriching your character. Analyze the severity of the error. Phone calls and text messages can be a means of communication for simpler cases. For more delicate cases, a conversation that takes place face-to-face and that is frank will avoid misunderstandings and convey credibility. Bringing alternatives to remedy the problem makes all the difference.

Know how to say no

To say no is to have full knowledge of your limits and also of your ability. Commit to excellence always. If you realize that the challenge is high and that you don't have the necessary skills and abilities to face it, or you won't have enough time to do the requested task with quality, say no! Embracing the world can make you anxious and worried and in this way harm your health, just as compromising and not delivering can leave unnecessary marks on your career and life. List your priorities.

don't be shaken

4 Lessons You Learn After Making Mistakes at Work

You know your qualities and what made you get to where you are today. If on your walk something doesn't go according to plan, learn from the situation and move on.

When we are aware of our values, our mission and our purpose in life, we can even get off track, but we will have the resilience and wisdom to come back to it stronger and more prepared for the new challenges of life, and nothing and no one will get out of our way, because we know where we want to go.

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