Mistakes we make when trying to stop biting our nails

How to stop biting nails? Once you adopt this habit, it is very difficult to get rid of it. In general, a person begins to practice it in times of stress and anxiety, as a way of relieving tension. However, the real effects include serious oral problems. Learn details about the problem to learn how to overcome it, below.

What is the meaning of biting one?

We often incorporate some toxic habit into our lives without being aware of the harm it can cause us. Perhaps you did this when you made the decision to take your fingers into your mouth. After all, what's wrong with biting nails?

This activity seems harmless, however it is full of harm that you will learn about in the course of the article. Before that, let's understand what is the meaning of nail biting.

Mistakes we make when trying to stop biting our nails
Iuri Kazac / Canva

When this expression is used to describe something, like a “nail-biting” movie, it refers to something tense. So, the meaning of nail biting is always associated with a tense situation.

Also, nail biting is not restricted to fingernails. There are people who bite their toenails too, for a number of reasons. Learn more about them with the next topic.

What makes a person bite nails?

Known by the technical name as onychophagia, nail biting can be caused by different factors. In most cases, gnawing is associated with feelings of anxiety, stress, tension, boredom, or hunger.

In this sense, a person can start biting nails when they feel like they need an outlet for a challenging situation that they don't know how to deal with very well. Eventually, this habit turns into a way to occupy time.

Even if chewing brings an immediate effect of relief and tranquility for those who practice it frequently, pressing nails against teeth, whether on the hands or feet, is harmful to health.

What are the harms for those who bite nails?

What happens to people who bite nails? That's what you might be asking yourself once you understand that this habit is harmful to physical health, even if it brings a brief relief to emotional health.

First of all, the act of biting nails is responsible for taking the germs that are under the nails into the human body. Therefore, the person is exposed to a greater risk of contracting diseases caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria.

Second, a person who bites their nails intensely can end up destroying the cuticle and the skin around the fingers. In this way, the hands become more susceptible to infections from microbes and viruses, which can spread throughout the body.

Third, if a person is biting their nails all the time, they probably won't be able to engage in other activities that require the use of their hands. Playing musical instruments, writing and cooking, for example, would be very difficult practices for these individuals.

Finally, long-term nail biting can wear down your tooth enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable to cavities and other oral health problems. For this reason, finding ways to stop biting your nails is critical. And there is a right way to do that.

What mistakes do we make when trying to stop biting our nails?

If you've already motivated yourself to stop biting your nails and the process didn't work out, it's possible that you didn't follow some of the recommendations below. Understand how each of them can help you break free from this habit:

1) Keep your nails short

Mistakes we make when trying to stop biting our nails
igorr1 by Getty Images / Canva

Keeping your nails short, trimmed with a clipper or scissors and finished with a file, makes it more difficult to bite them. So if you want to stop gnawing, do your teeth work using your hands.

2) Use a special nail polish

There are several colorless nail polish options that are suitable for those who want to stop biting their nails. With this product, the taste of your nails will become very bitter, and gnawing will not be pleasant. That is, you need to make your fingers less appetizing.

3) Apply fake nails

Fake nails, which can be fiberglass, gel, or plastic, are a great choice for anyone trying to stop biting their nails. Using them for a short time, you are likely to be able to abandon this practice, as gnawing on a synthetic material would be too difficult.

4) Relieve tension with an anti-stress ball

Mistakes we make when trying to stop biting our nails
Roberto David from Getty Images/Canva

Since nail biting is the result of a buildup of tension, it's important to replace it with another way to calm down. One of the ways to do this is with an anti-stress ball, which you can take anywhere.

5) Chewing gum

Chewing gum is not so good for your health, but it can be used for a short period to kill the urge to chew something, in moments of boredom or tension. Using this treat, preferably without sugar, it will be easier to give up chewing.

6) Dedicate yourself to a hobby

Since it's important to relieve anxiety and stress in some way other than nail biting, it's recommended that you take up a hobby. This way, you will be able to direct your thoughts to other activities, using your hands on some new task.

7) Eating properly

Mistakes we make when trying to stop biting our nails
Sumners Graphics / Canva

In isolated cases, nail biting can be associated with a deficiency of calcium and magnesium in the body. So, eating well, including all the nutrients on the plate, is a way to fight nail biting.

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By following the recommendations we have presented, you will find that it is very easy to stop biting your nails. However, if you give up any of the techniques, you will continue to cause problems for your body. So find ways to redirect anxiety and stress and take good care of your body!

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