Virtual goodness!

Kindness is one of the ways our subconscious tells us that we are becoming better, high-luminosity beings as we evolve in all aspects. Goodness is born from the essence of life, that is, it is for all living beings to be good. It cannot be restrictive or just directed towards something or someone, because if we do, we are deviating, again, from full and unconditional love for everything and everyone. Life asks each being to open all the spaces in his heart to love without measure. Love is the loyal basis of existence. Loving is a tenderness that has no end. Loving is the only purpose in life that makes it great. Loving is the kindness summed up inside a heart.

Kindness is born of a pure and loving soul. Without lovingness, we cannot purify anything, let alone do something good for ourselves or others. Kindness is the expression that life uses to say that we are evolving. It is the expression of evolution. Only a being who loves can evolve, because love is the destiny of the evolved. In this loveliness, you find people who speak calmly, without any aggression and with every gesture of gratitude. They are people who manifest in their face the harmony of life and of all living, which are connected to their evolutionary process. So they understand that love is the only way and source of the future. Only those who are capable of loving will have a real future.

Virtual goodness!
Ryan Franco/ 123RF

Kindness comes from love. It is born from the love that is within each being, it is born from a life full of lovingness to reflect on. Thus, you begin to be your reflection of love and kindness. They are interconnected and one lives for the other. It all starts in love, turns into kindness and ends in love again. Love is largely responsible for the goodness that exists in your heart. Send signs of love and experience the best way of life. Be happy, faithful and sincere with your love. Be his own representation. He is patient and tolerant. It is harmonious and lives in a state of peace. Remain in the grace of being who you are.

Kindness is the origin and mission of every being. We are destined for the art of love and kindness. It is towards this path that we are following step by step in life. Each step leads us in the direction of love and kindness. Love is the only thing that evolves a being. Kindness brings you closer to the divine seed on Earth. By becoming a good human being, he will have all the qualities to experience, because a good being is a great living being. He becomes an honorable human.

Virtual goodness!
Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash

The great mission of life is for each being to become love and kindness in the purity of their souls, so they will be fulfilling their life missions with great merit. In this way, all other high vibrational feelings and thoughts can exist, as there is a common understanding that all that rules the universe is love and kindness, which is its biggest follower. Love is the source, and kindness is the result of a life that prioritizes evolution in every way.

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You can send kindness to whoever you want and wherever you are. Do the greatest kindness by emitting light to all directions and senses, and thus, you will be experiencing the great purpose that is to help people in any conditions and without even needing to know them. You don't need to know to be good, you just need to be good at everything and everyone. Let this be your life motto.

Love & Light!


Fraternal hug!

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