How do spirits influence our thoughts and actions?

LE:459 – Do the Spirits influence our thoughts and actions?

“Much more than you can imagine. They influence to such an extent that, ordinarily, they are the ones who direct you. ”

I) Communication

Therefore, we say that communication occurs when a Spirit emits its thoughts and these are transmitted by fluids, and the incarnate person receives and records this communication through the influence that is exerted on him.

II) The Hidden Influences

LE460 Many thoughts come to us at the same time on the same subject and often contrary to each other. Well then! As a whole, ours are always mixed with theirs.

Is this thought a warning from my benefactor or is it a disturbance? We need to think about each case.

Types of Influences:

Positive: inspires progress, to good. 

Negative: whenever there are absences of good.

The Spiritual Benefactors inspire us with good advice, advice, but always respecting our free will. Imperfect spirits are those who constrain, pursue the execution of a fixed idea. It is up to our judgment to discern good from bad inspirations.

Dynamics of obsession: “When a spirit, good or bad, wants to act on an individual, it involves him, so to speak, in his perispirit, as if he were a cloak. Interpenetrating the fluids, the thoughts and wills of the two are confused. If the Spirit is good, its action is gentle, beneficent, it does not impel the individual but the practice of good acts; if he is evil, force him to evil deeds.” (OP)

Let us remember that imperfect spirits cannot lead a worthy man to become an unworthy one, unless such a man possesses, in himself, unmanifested, the seeds of error.

LE 997 – “…the Spirit is not transformed suddenly, after the death of the physical body… It can, therefore, persist in its errors, in its false opinions, in its prejudices, until it finds itself enlightened by. It only changes through study, reflection and suffering.” 

III) Why does God allow Spirits to excite us to evil?

LE 466

1st – They are the instruments that test our fidelity to God. 

2nd – Since evil influences act upon us, it is that we attract them, desiring evil…

It is the law of attunement and affinities: everything in life is affinity and communion, under the magnetic laws that govern phenomena. (Emmanuel-med. and tuning).

What attracts spirits? It is the thoughts, desires and intentions that we feed. This, for both good and bad.

How do spirits influence our thoughts and actions?

IV- How to repel and neutralize the influence of bad spirits? 

Let us remember that the perispirit is a permanent fluidic source, and the fluids are neutral, but they are always impregnated with the good or bad qualities of my thoughts and it is through these thoughts that I attract similar thoughts, that is, Spirits that have the same affinities as I.

“When an unclean spirit leaves a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest. When he doesn't find it, he says, 'I'll go back to the house I left'. Arriving, he finds the house unoccupied, swept and in order. So he goes and brings with him seven other spirits worse than himself, and, entering, they start to live there. And the final state of that man becomes worse than the first.”

– Matthew 12:43-45

Therefore, if I want to change these spiritual companions, I need to purify the source with qualities that are repulsive to bad influences. We must then think about good, positively, studying and doing good, trusting in God and in ourselves as well.

V) Therapeutic resources

For this, we use the good resources:

1- Mental Reeducation:

– The importance of knowledge of the action of thought and will in determining the acts of life.

– Discipline your thoughts. Thought is a magnet. We are what we think.

2- Intimate Reform:

– “Discipline precedes spontaneity.” – Emmanuel, Book “Courage”.

– “The true spiritist is recognized for his moral transformation and for the efforts he makes to dominate his evil inclinations.” – ESE chap. 17.

3 - Surveillance:


  • Watch and pray that you do not enter into temptation…

“Watch your spirit along the way. A thought of love is enough for you to rise to heaven; but, in the journey of the world, it is also sometimes enough for a futile word or a less worthy consideration, for the soul of man to be driven to the parking lot and despair of darkness, by his improvidence!”

– Book “GOOD NEWS: Lesson on Surveillance”

4 – Product:

– Worship at home, sanitizing the ambient fluids.

– The Lord taught us to pray:

"Sir! Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. ”

5 – Fluid therapy:

“In cases of serious obsession, the obsessed person is as if surrounded and impregnated with a pernicious fluid, which neutralizes the action of salutary fluids and repels them. It is from that fluid that it is important to untangle it. Now, a bad fluid cannot be eliminated by another equally bad one. By means of an action identical to that of the healing medium, in cases of illness, it is necessary to expel a bad fluid with the help of a better fluid.”

– The Genesis. chap.XIV

6 – Work in the good:

– We cannot have an empty hour, because an empty mind is a passive mind.

“Attract, therefore, the good spirits, doing the good you can, and the bad ones will disappear, since evil and good are incompatible.”

– L.Médiuns


The direction that Spirits can give us, and of which we are objects, refers to the moral choices we make. As we have seen, our choices are centered on the exercise of free will. Therefore, the Spirits act, pressure, through our thought and our will so that we make this or that choice, so that we follow this or that direction.

The responsibility for the good or evil that we practice is ours, and although we suffer the natural influences of those who walk with us, we are free to decide which direction to give to our choices, thoughts, ideas and even which suggestion to accept: “Drawing exists, but is not irresistible.” 

Therefore, it depends on our will to flee from the influence of evil spirits, when we use our will to modify the source of attraction.

The contribution of the person himself is essential, whether by the effort in mental reeducation, in the changes in his behavior, in the surveillance of his thoughts and feelings, the relief and help of prayer, fluid therapy and work in the good, in which he wins sympathy. and solidarity, accrediting oneself to be helped, as Emmanuel taught us:

“He who gathers friends, gathers love…”

(The Prayer of the Righteous)

Lord, Lord, help us to recognize our temptations, our weaknesses so that we can reeducate them and strengthen them in the practice of God's laws!

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