Is it possible to live in a world of competition without BEING competitive?

Although we live in a competitive and utilitarian world, there are many people who are simply not competitive and intimately want to live a simple and peaceful life, without wanting to BE better or to be above anyone, simply BE themselves, with what they know how to do and with the who feel good about living.

While there are people who are comfortable in competing and dominating the next, the market or the audience, others enjoy developing their skills and being useful, without worrying about seeking to BE more, dominating the market or having more audience than the others.

There are those who believe in a more peaceful, just and egalitarian existence, in which respect, individuality and diversity prevail, so that there can be a mutual exchange and exchange of talents and abilities between beings, without the concern of being better. and have more than others.

The society we are a part of prioritizes status quo, CEO of this and CEO of that, doctorates, masters, in short, the more titles and certificates, the more valued you are in the job market and distinguished in the social scenario, but, in fact, for a human being to be valued is this fundamental???

Furthermore, is having views, followers, likes, assets and imperialist dominance in the market more important than being a real human being with all its implications, contradictions and weaknesses?

Is it possible to live in a world of competition without BEING competitive?
Photo by RĂ©mi Walle via Unsplash

Between competing and leaving the other behind and trying to live with more humanity and communion, what is better?

Between fighting to have more and more and contributing to provoke more exploitation and inequality or being and creating conditions and adapting to a more just and humane reality, which is preferable?

Each of us has our own Light and can shine in our own unique way, with our individual expression, vocation and talent, in this diversity we are all ONE!

Therefore, it is fair to also value those who with their sweat and energy build buildings or those who dedicated their existence to “build” human beings and the anonymous who work and serve for this society that so much advocates competition and devalues ​​their dedication!

Why continue to value only those who are competitive and dominating and forget about those who serve and work with their best, their energy and their talents?

As Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, says:

Is it possible to live in a world of competition without BEING competitive?
Photo by Dean Moriarty via Pixabay

"The planet doesn't need more successful people, the planet DESPERATEDLY needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds."

Following this line of thought, our world is lacking in simplicity, subtlety, lightness, sacredness, poetry, sensitivity, transparency, sincerity, uninterested solidarity and spontaneous and natural authenticity.

Valuing the simple is valuing those who donate their lives and are not valued, due to a society that praises ostentation, appearances and unscrupulous marketing more, giving fuel for this wheel of competition to pass over those who, even with little resources , make a difference and are not recognized.

It's a good thing that nowadays many people are waking up to this reality and coming out of this conditioning promoting attitudes contrary to what society dictates since ancient times.

Is it possible to live in a world of competition without BEING competitive?
Photo by Sasin Tipchai via Pixabay

Even knowing that competition is part of the organization of a society, we can minimize its effects of inequality, greed and social injustice, valuing those who are not in evidence or in power: simple people, but who are still walking stars!

Yes, each one of us is a Star, has its Light and Energy and consequently its brightness, as well as the stars that can be seen in the night sky and not always people look, because they are identified with earthly problems.

For an inspiring and poetic reflection, watch this video with the message Somos Estrelas, narrated by Antonio Pereira, presenter of the program Mundo Incrível on Rádio Inverso:

How many Universes or Walking Stars walk this planet and have not been unraveled and recognized?

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Reflect and think about it!

May the Star we are shine more and more and not be dazzled by the nebulosity of fear, greed, coldness, indifference and ignorance!

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