songs to energize

Music is not just fun. The list of benefits for the body and mind is huge. Children, for example, communicate better, develop motor coordination and sensitivity and even have more self-esteem. Music helps relieve post-operative, chronic and osteoarthritis pain. It even helps in recovery from stroke. A survey conducted in Finland indicates that patients who listened to music showed improvement in verbal memory and attention.

Instruments, singing and noise rehabilitate individuals with speech, hearing and mental problems. People with learning disabilities, the elderly and drug addicts also benefit from the therapeutic effects of music. Music therapy has also been used during childbirth. Researchers in Turkey found that women who listened to music before giving birth had less anxiety and pain.
music and energy

songs to energize

Music soothes, but also energizes the mood and spirit. To bring good energy, nothing better than listening to Corciolli's songs. If you don't know him yet, he was born in São Paulo and started studying piano at age 13. In 1993, at the age of 25, he released his first solo work, kicking off his record label, Azul Music.

The discography has 30 albums, some with the participation of Tibetan monks from the Indian monastery Gaden Shartse. In his work, Corciolli combines Gregorian chants with orchestral and piano arrangements. The artist is also dedicated to composing soundtracks for movies, documentaries and soap operas. The musician also developed Music Delivery, a platform that provides background music to shopping centers without charging ECAD (Central Collection and Distribution Office) payments.

songs to energize

Curious to see Corciolli's work? We separate some songs that will energize your days:


San Telmo


Diadolin (Dedalus)  

Book of Memories


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Text written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team. 

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