How to deal with trauma?

    Our trajectory is full of the most varied paths, some very tasty and others, I dare say that most, quite exhausting. As that beautiful song by Roberto Carlos says: โ€œYou can remove any stone along the way. In a flower that has thorns, you can scratch yourself.โ€ The song, called โ€œIt is necessary to know how to liveโ€, is really a beautiful song, but the stones removed from the path and the scratches of the thorns are not easily forgotten throughout life.

    Removing rocks out of the way can literally make our efforts so great that they permanently change the way we are. Some grow stronger and mature, while others are worn out forever. The scratches from thorns can heal over time and bring learning, but they can also leave an open wound for months, years, decades and sometimes even forever.

    Metaphorically speaking, the efforts made to move the stone or even tread a new path against our will and the scratches of the thorns can leave traumas in our existence. It is far more prudent to avoid these traumatic events. Even if they bring teachings to our lives, it is much better to have the bonuses without any kind of burden. But the trauma occurred, what to do?

    The first is to accept the event. Going through the denial phase, we are able to deal with it in order to resolve or, at least, be able to deal with the trauma without it being in a self-destructive way. Look for someone from your family or a close and, above all, trusted friend to share this difficult time with. Talk about what's stuck in you, but also listen to other points of view that can help you gain a new perspective on the trauma.

    How to deal with trauma?

    Then, if possible, look for a professional help. As much as people like you and offer words that do you good, the help of someone studied and based on scientific knowledge, in the case of psychologists and psychiatrists, can be of great importance for your recovery. In some cases, even the help of medication may be necessary in a treatment.

    Finally, since we are talking about medicines, the best of them is time. Knowing how to deal with trauma, they tend to reduce in proportion over time. When they say that the passing of years heals everything, it's not quite true. After all, there are things that cannot be forgotten. However, we can adapt to a new reality. Our ability to recover is much greater than we imagine, including for trauma.

    Written by Diego Rennan of Team Eu Sem Fronteiras

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