4 steps to overcome shyness in your academic presentation!

Having to give a college paper presentation is a terrible situation for a shy person because he will be the focus of attention. Just thinking about it, the shy person already spends at least one sleepless night. Not to mention all the nervousness at the time H. Is that your case?

If it is, be happy, because shyness doesn't have to block you. Read on and learn 4 steps to overcoming your insecurity and giving amazing academic presentations!

Be willing to face yourself!

Without a burning desire to overcome shyness, nothing can be done. It has to be more than a mere want, more than willpower. You need to commit to yourself.

4 steps to overcome shyness in your academic presentation!
Brian James / Pexels

Your brain will want to keep you the way you are, in the safe zone (it's not a comfort zone, because it's not good for you!). The brain likes to follow patterns: patterns of thought, of behavior, of feeling. It's a way to save energy and it's extremely natural.

Then he'll make you react like he always reacted. That's why you have to commit. Inevitably, you will wage an internal war between what you have always been and how you want to be. Hence, it is necessary to decide with great will, to then act and promote change. Without it, nothing is done!

This is the first step, because no one goes to sleep withdrawn and wakes up extroverted the next day. It's a gradual process that only starts when you decide. So commit to the new person you will be and shine at university!

change your vision

Everything that happens in the world can be seen in a different way, because each person has their interpretation of the facts. Your mind processes information according to what you believe. If you feel shy or insecure, you perceive the world through this gaze of shyness or insecurity.

4 steps to overcome shyness in your academic presentation!
Keenan Constance / Pexels

To change that profile, you need to change your way of thinking and feeling. If you have to present a paper in college (and there is always work to present), instead of seeing it as a problem and feeling like a victim, you can take it as a challenge or an opportunity to improve your communication skills.

Having a positive point of view, you will start to act with another posture and, over time, you will see the result, as your brain will now understand your exposure in public as something favorable. It may not be that easy at first, but if you insist, you will be able to control your brain.

practice a lot

People who give great presentations always practice a lot. And you must do the same. In anything in life, the more you practice, the more skillful you become.

Think there was a time when you didn't know how to read and you had to exercise a lot to have the resourcefulness you have today. So, to lose the shyness of speaking, practice speaking.

4 steps to overcome shyness in your academic presentation!
Mael Balland / Pexels

Choose any text, marking the parts you want to highlight, and practice reading in the mirror to correct what you don't like. First read the text in different ways, varying the pace and tone of speech, and then try to speak the message without reading. Then record with your cell phone (or otherwise) and analyze the result.

Note what you want to improve and repeat the exercise until you reach the level you want. When you feel more confident, challenge yourself even more and speak to a small group of colleagues.

Master the subject 100%

It's no use having the courage to speak if you don't know what to say. You need to understand the subject you are going to talk about in order to express yourself firmly.

To feel more confident, it is advisable to study a lot about the subject and build a script of the entire speech. Put it in your script from the way you're going to introduce yourself to the last sentence you're going to end with. Think about the examples, the illustrations, in short, everything you are going to present.

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With the script ready, it's time to practice your speech. You can enjoy and do the previous exercise. Also, know much more than the content you want to say. This will bring you a lot of security, even if the teacher or a colleague asks questions.

These were 4 simple steps for you to put your shyness aside and make great academic presentations. Remember: you are not shy… You are shy in certain situations, and that can be changed!

Master Oratory! practice. Communicate!

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