Who are the real Wizards and Witches?

Anyway what do the terms witch or wizard mean to you? Maybe even you can identify with those who have a free soul, connection to the spirit of nature, strength of ancestry and power in the magic of good to heal their descendants and journey companions!

Let's demystify that witch or wizard from the stories and movies, which only served to do evil, because every self-respecting witch knows very well that one of the greatest principles of hermeticism and alchemy is that "What goes around comes around!"

A powerful wizard or witch would never waste his precious time doing evil things, since his life is made to seek in the woods and gardens the herbs that heal, the teas that calm the mind, the compresses to heal physical wounds and wounds of the soul, the flowers that cheer, bring charm and love!

Willful beings, who know that nature, plants, crystals, the Moon and the mixture of all of these are a deep connection with Mother Earth, and at the same time with the angels, archangels and ascended masters, as well as with an intelligence superior, which allows them access to the records of integrative medicine, the one that vibrationally heals the physical and subtle or etheric bodies, which we do not see, but which keep all the information of our DNA and of all our existences and at the same time have great potential to regenerate and recover when under complementary and natural treatments.

When we enter the high vibrations, then we have an improvement in physical, psychic and emotional states!

Want to see an example? Do you remember those healers or healers who prayed with a little plant in their hands and you felt a wonderful improvement? It was these little witches who, in an act of love and humility, managed to transform their soul and promote healing! Real and good witches!

Now let's talk about the magicians of today, we have the professor and specialist in herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and author Gilson Giombeli, a reference who, in addition to mastering ancient techniques, trains hundreds of students a year, including the visually impaired and the elderly. They learn with the touch of hands, with the magic and science of plants, to have dignity, work and quality of life and to heal more and more people naturally and with scientifically proven effectiveness! It's a lot of study, dedication and a lot of love for humanity … And the mission is to help people to have a better life!

Who are the real Wizards and Witches?
Marilyna / Getty Images / Canva

In times of crisis, pandemic and challenges, all we have most important are these enlightened beings, who dedicate their lives to saving other lives!

Blessed be Halloween and true Wizards!

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So, teachers, integrative therapists, healers, naturopaths, reikians and also the healers, the day is yours too!

And may the New Age Witchcraft come, in which good, health, the power of ancestry, universalism between religions and love are our guide!

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