What to do on Earth Day โ€” and daily โ€” to preserve the environment?

Scientists and researchers have long warned of the deterioration of planet Earth. Although this process takes place slowly, we can already see its impacts on our daily lives, with difficulty breathing, drastic changes in temperature and water pollution. On Earth Day, April 22, we have the opportunity to think about this even more.

Despite the scenario of destruction of nature, it is still possible to fight for it to recover. Adopting measures that benefit the environment is everyone's responsibility. This means that governors, business people and citizens must each do what they can for the good of the Earth. Next, learn more about it!

What is affecting the environment?

If you believe that the destruction of the environment makes no difference in your life, you need to analyze this issue more carefully. With the following topics, look at what is affecting nature and what the consequences are for you.

1) Pollution of air and water

The concentration of pollutants in air and water has increased significantly over time. While carbon dioxide from cars and industries began to occupy a large part of the Earth's atmosphere, the elimination of chemicals in rivers and seas altered the quality of water.

What to do on Earth Day โ€” and daily โ€” to preserve the environment?
tkremmel / Pixabay

As a result of these changes, we can see two important impacts: climate change and ecosystem imbalance. That is, air pollution caused hot days to become very hot, and cold days to become very cold, with poorly defined seasons.

In addition, water pollution gave rise to the proliferation of beings harmful to the lives of native animals, damaging the original food chain. It is also observed that the fish began to accumulate heavy metals in their organisms, which harms those who feed on them, especially humans.

2) Deforestation

The development of monoculture and the opening of pastures for cattle raising are the two main factors that cause deforestation. To meet the world's food demands, native vegetation in numerous regions has been destroyed. The more pastures and large plantations, the less forests.

Without the original flora of a space, ecosystems suffer from a series of imbalances. This is because trees are responsible for cleaning the air and preventing soil erosion, in addition to housing the fauna of a region.

When there are no trees to perform the functions assigned to them, animals and humans suffer. You must have felt difficulty breathing, as if the air was heavy, or the climate change that manifests itself with such intensity over the years, for example.

3) Soil degradation

Soil degradation can be caused by the accumulation of pollutants, the deforestation of native vegetation and the decrease of organic matter in the land. These problems are aggravated both by agriculture and livestock and by the growth of cities, which damage the original soil of a space.

What to do on Earth Day โ€” and daily โ€” to preserve the environment?
Engin Akyurt / Pixabay

It is important that the soil is fertile and productive, either to guarantee the cultivation of food, or for the animals in a region to remain nourished. Regions with little supply of small insects and plants can become hostile to the fauna of an environment, harming an ecosystem.

Therefore, when the quality of the soil becomes poor, it is more difficult to grow plants in it. Then agriculture is harmed, and the food supply may become more scarce. It is also common for landslides to occur, which can compromise the housing of many families.

4) Extinction of species

Throughout Earth's history, many species have gone extinct, by a natural process. However, deforestation, climate change, pollution and soil degradation have intensified this process. As a result, animals and plants find it difficult to reproduce.

Nature only works in balance when each part of the food chain is well represented. There should be no excess or shortage of a species, because this can compromise the entire development of life in a region.

Because of this imbalance, we lose Earth's biodiversity and ecosystem conservation. One of the most striking examples of this phenomenon is the extinction of bees, which can compromise world agriculture, as well as native vegetation in different parts of the world.

5) Generation of garbage

With the overpopulation of the Earth, the generation of waste has increased considerably. Unfortunately, awareness of the correct disposal of waste has not developed to the same degree. Other factors, such as industrialization and the use of materials that are not biodegradable, have worsened the accumulation of garbage on the planet.

What to do on Earth Day โ€” and daily โ€” to preserve the environment?
RitaE / Pixabay

The effects of this evil go far beyond a landscape spoiled by packaging and products that have lost their usefulness. The generation of waste and incorrect disposal harm the fauna and flora of the entire globe, leading to environmental imbalance. If before the species were able to feed freely, now they confuse food with garbage.

In addition, excess garbage can lead to the development of diseases, clogged drains (and consequent flooding in cities) and contamination of water, soil and air.

What can I do for Earth?

After knowing the biggest environmental problems we are facing, it's time to do your part. Incorporate these attitudes:

1) Correct disposal of garbage

The correct disposal of garbage, respecting selective collection, is essential to combat pollution. So organize two types of trash in your home, one organic and one recyclable. In public environments, maintain respect for this rule.

2) Planting trees

What to do on Earth Day โ€” and daily โ€” to preserve the environment?
Akil Mazumder / Pexels / Me Without Borders

Planting trees is a small gesture that already makes a difference to the environment. You can participate in projects that carry out this type of activity or plant something in your house if there is space. The important thing is to cultivate at least one species!

3) Reduction in car use

As cars release a lot of pollutants into the atmosphere, choose public transport, bicycles or carpools. In this way, the streets will already have one less car circulating and releasing toxic gases into the air.

4) Conscious use of products

Many products that we use can be used more than once, before being discarded. So pay attention to what you are consuming, and exercise your creativity before simply throwing away something that is no longer used.

5) Adoption of veganism

Veganism is a lifestyle committed to preserving the environment. In addition to stopping consuming animal products, you will also engage in causes that promote the defense of fauna and flora.

6) Conscious vote

The choice of the rulers of a city, a state and a country is crucial for the environment. Recognize the importance of voting for a person who will be able to act on a large scale by nature, carefully reading each candidate's proposals for doing so.

7) Preference for biodegradable materials

What to do on Earth Day โ€” and daily โ€” to preserve the environment?
Marcell Viragh / Unsplash

There are already many biodegradable or more durable substitutes on the market for a number of products. Instead of buying materials that will take years to decompose if disposed of incorrectly, choose materials that can easily disappear.

8) Cleaning of public environments

While cleaning public spaces is the government's responsibility, eventually you can take on this task. When you pass by somewhere and see that it can be easily cleaned, do it.

9) Awareness of friends and relatives

Encouraging more people to care for the environment can be fun, as well as very productive. So make your friends and relatives aware of the need to fight for the reconstruction of nature.

10) Annual trip to the zoo

The zoo is a place for the study and maintenance of endangered species. In order for this entire structure to be maintained, the site is open for paid visitation. Therefore, if you want to support projects of this type, mark an annual visit to the zoo on your calendar.

environment and spirituality

If you are developing a spiritual journey, some of the habits we mentioned should already be present in your routine. After all, when we connect with ourselves, with the world in which we live and with the reality that we must build, we understand the importance of taking care of our temporary home.

On the other hand, if you are still venturing into your spirituality, preserving nature will be an essential task for you. Through this contact with nature, and the attentive look at it, you will be able to recognize that we are part of something bigger, which needs a lot of care at the moment.

Therefore, you must interpret the environment as one of the pillars of your path to spirituality. Through the connection you will create with what exists around you, you will understand your responsibility to maintain and rebuild it all.

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Considering each information presented, we understand that it is still possible to rescue the environment, through simple and everyday attitudes. Choose some of them to incorporate into your life, not just on Earth Day, believing that your commitment to this cause makes all the difference, and it's your responsibility.

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