What causes a lack of serotonin?

Known as the happiness hormone, serotonin is related to the feelings of well-being and pleasure produced by our brain. But do you even know what serotonin is?

It is a neurotransmitter hormone responsible for communication between the cells of our nervous system. It regulates sleep, appetite, body temperature, motor skills and intellectual functions, in addition to being a stabilizer of our mood.

The lack of serotonin in our body can generate imbalances that cause various health problems. Learn, below, how to keep serotonin levels balanced to be happy!

Causes of low serotonin

Serotonin is produced by tryptophan, an essential amino acid to perform various metabolic functions in the body, found in some foods and plants. It is also present in the digestive system and platelets.

The two main factors that deregulate serotonin levels in the bloodstream are low consumption of foods rich in tryptophan and stress, which causes the hormone to drop dramatically due to the increase in cortisol.

What causes a lack of serotonin?
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Low serotonin symptoms

The drop in serotonin levels directly affects our body, manifesting itself in the following symptoms: bad mood; somnolence; low libido; untimely hunger, especially for sweets and carbohydrates; poor concentration and memory; difficulty sleeping; irritability; tiredness.

It is very important that, when noticing these signs, the person looks for a doctor to investigate the cause of the drop in serotonin in the bloodstream in order to receive an appropriate treatment.
There are cases in which serotonin reaches such low levels that it can trigger anxiety and depression crises.

What to do?

One of the ways to increase serotonin in the body is to consume foods rich in tryptophan. They are: chocolate above 70% cocoa, egg, banana, pineapple, tomato, lean meats, spinach, whole grains, milk and derivatives. Foods rich in omega-3s, such as salmon, sardines, trout and nuts, are also good sources of serotonin.

While it can be difficult in some situations, trying to manage stress is critical as part of treatment. Doing a physical activity, having a hobby, practicing yoga and meditation or a simple walk can help with this goal.

Self-care is a way to keep your blood serotonin levels under control. That is, adopting healthy habits, such as eating well, practicing physical activity and having some pleasurable activity, leads to a good night's sleep, good mood and, therefore, a feeling of well-being.

It is necessary to cultivate a circle of good practices so that we can maintain our physical and mental health. If you notice any of the symptoms of a lack of serotonin, be sure to investigate the cause to receive the most appropriate treatment.

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It's no wonder that serotonin is known as the happiness hormone, because those who don't sleep well get irritated, the gut doesn't work, sexual desire drops and other even bigger problems can appear, such as depression. Self-care is also a way to be happy!

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