How to feed your Dosha

The dosha is a characterization of the biological profile of each human being, according to the principles of Ayurveda. It is important to know that there are three types of dosha, they are: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each has different characteristics. All people have the three doshas, but in different proportions, with excess or deficiency of some of them.

Ayurveda has the practice of restoring the doshas of each person through diet and nutrition, because each dosha is different from the other, its elemental compositions correspond to distinct flavors such as sweet, salty, spicy, sour, bitter and astringent.

Learn how to properly feed through each dosha.


How to feed your Dosha

People who have Vata as their main dosha are light and somewhat flighty. In this case, the most recommended thing is to follow a diet with warm, heavy and nourishing characteristics, which can leave the person more “down to earth”.

The foods that should be avoided are salads, fiber and vegetables. If you use any of them in your diet, it is important that they are cooked or sautéed. To help, light pinches of pepper.

Pitta Dosha

How to feed your Dosha

Individuals who have the Pitta trait are endowed with fire, but there can also be water balance. IT IS important to stay away from foods that taste acidic, spicy, or salty, not to cause problems such as gastritis, reflux and ulcer. You should also avoid alcoholic beverages, fats and fried foods.

The most recommended for the diet, in this case, are cold, bitter, astringent and sweet foods. Pasta, salads and desserts are free.

Kapha Dosha

How to feed your Dosha

Those who possess the Kapha trait are massive and heavy, in some cases, they reach obesity easily. They are formed by the elements water and earth and, precisely because of this, they retain more liquid than normal.

The most recommended thing is to follow a hot, light and diuretic diet. Vegetable soups and broths are excellent. Spicy and bitter foods can help with weight loss. Sweets in general, rice, wheat and barley should be excluded from the diet.. Avoid them as much as possible!

Tridosha system and multiple dosha diet

Most individuals have aligned doshas such as Pitta-Vata, Vata-Pitta, Kapha-Vata, etc. In this case, it is important to seek the help of a natural or ayurvedic therapist, so that he can help you formulate a special diet, strictly following all your needs. Discover your dosha, change your diet and have a healthier life, with less risk of illness and spiritual imbalances.

Written by Caroline Bespalec of Team Me Without Borders.

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