The benefits of wine for our health

Admired by different ages and tastes, wine is a very old and very varied drink. Its production ranges from artisanal to artificial and its source of production is also different.

When it comes to health, alcohol consumption is not recommended for a balanced diet and up-to-date exams. However, small daily doses of wine can become a good habit with good consequences. You just need to know when and how to ingest it to get the best out of this ancient drink.

Researchers show that wine can be good for the kidneys. Its moderate consumption helps to avoid kidney diseases.

Other studies have shown that the drink can help prevent weight gain and strengthen the immune system through a substance that makes it up called resveratrol. It is responsible for neutralizing fat accumulation and protecting the immune system.

One of the most well-known benefits is aimed at the heart.. Ingestion of a glass of red wine a day is said to be a good โ€œmedicineโ€ against cardiovascular diseases because it is able to detoxify and helps to unclog the arteries of the heart.

Digestion also gets help. Wine, especially red, helps the digestion process by helping to break down fats and sugars.


Despite the good appearances, we must be careful with the inclusion of wines in our routine. The wine most recommended by doctors and specialists for such health benefits to be obtained is the red type.

The detoxifying effects that red wine brings are usually limited to those homemade wines. Therefore, not just any wine will bring you all the expected good consequences.

The presence of substances responsible for the good effects depends on their preservation in the production process, because of this, many industrialized wines, due to the presence of preservatives and other ingredients, eliminate the properties that it would originally obtain.

The benefits of wine for our healthIn addition, the consumption of wine involves other issues. It must be very controlled, because it is an alcoholic beverage, it has a lot of calories and excess alcohol is not good for the body, generating opposite effects.

Diabetics and people with stomach problems should also watch out for the drink. In the first case, it should be avoided as it contains sugars that are not welcome for diabetics. In the second case, ingestion can be aggressive to people who already have problems such as ulcers or gastritis.


Much is said that red wine can act in the prevention of cancers. However, be careful with the information. The story arose around this substance that in the body acts to protect the lymphatic system, resveratrol. However, studies show that the amount of this component is not able to reach cancer cells to the point of banishing them. In addition to the fact that alcohol is another enemy of cancer.

  • Written by Julia Zayas of Team Me Without Borders.
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