Vegetarianism: A new way of life

SĂŁo Paulo, August 28, 2019

Vegetarianism… There has been a lot of talk these days about ethics in the sale of animal products. The number of people who do not eat meat and the number of people who do not consume any animal products has been increasing, in addition to discussions about a healthier diet. But I'm also realizing that people get confused a lot with the terms: Naturalism, vegetarianism and veganism.

This article is not intended to try to influence food and no one other than a nutritionist can guide you on any diet, so don't fall for this fad of diets, much less restrictive diets!

So what is naturalism, vegetarianism and veganism?

Naturalist: person who adheres to a more natural diet. It is not very different from the diet of carnivores, but naturalists do not eat red meat, only white meat (fish, chicken…), in addition to dairy products and eggs.

Vegetarianism: A new way of life

Vegetarian: person who adheres to a meat-free diet. But calm down, because within this group of vegetarians there are those who do not consume any type of animal product in their food (restricted vegetarianism), there are those who adhere to a lifestyle without any animal product, which has any involvement of animals (veganism), there are people who do not consume products of animal origin, although they consume eggs in their diet (ovovegetarianism), in addition to those who do not consume products of animal origin, although they consume eggs, milk and their derivatives (ovolactovegetarianism).

For a few months now, I've been following a ovolactovegetarian diet, so I thought it was interesting to tell you why I don't eat meat anymore, how these months were for me, the effects of this diet and how I've been replacing it.

Ah, at the end of this article I have a surprise for you who are reading! I am not alone in this article. I brought a very special person with me, so read on to find out who it is. I interviewed someone who hasn't eaten meat for over forty years!

well you know that changing your diet is something that profoundly affects your life. I had tried for several years to cut out meat in my diet to test what it would be like. Two very close people are vegetarians. I remember being about 5, 6 years old and already being intrigued by these people, with the way they fed.

The truth is, I've never been a big fan of meat. I've always liked cheese and eggs better… At that time, I rarely ate meat; in those times when I ate meat (mostly red), I had allergic skin reactions and my stomach couldn't digest it properly, so it was reflux and gastritis day after day.

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  • The different types of vegetarianism
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More as we are a little insistent, I continued with meat in my diet, but I gradually reduced it, because I was already sick of the taste. In fact, in the postoperative period of my nose surgery, I didn't eat meat for a month, on medical advice, so that my recovery would be faster. Another time, when I had an episode of very severe gastritis, I received medical advice to avoid meat in my diet. If he wanted to continue, at most white meat. Another month without meat!

So I made the decision and then I talked to my father, who is ovolactovegetarian, about my decision. He had also been talking to me for years about stopping eating meat because of this allergic reaction.

Vegetarianism: A new way of life

So I sought medical advice to find out if I could adhere to this type of diet, so I was recommended to adhere to an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet.

Remembering that this is MY case and that, before adhering to any diet, it is necessary to seek guidance from a nutritionist and an endocrinologist, so that a food routine is created for your body's needs.

So I went on for 7 or 8 months, having definitely stopped eating meat. It wasn't a big change in my diet, as I was already on a type of diet called a “metabolic-blood diet”. Developed by the nutritionist, it is a food routine based on your blood type and metabolism. What changed was that I increased the consumption of vegetables and fruits (because of the fiber), in addition to the consumption of eggs and dairy products (because of the proteins), which was already a requirement in my diet.

But is Of course there were changes in me and my body. I felt much more energetic, especially during physical exercises, digestion started to work much better, the appearance of my skin and hair improved a lot and I no longer had digestion or skin problems.

When I talk about it, I often hear the question: “And you feel like eating meat?”. I answer no. Of course, when I smell meat, I identify what it is, but I don't feel like eating it, even when I prepare it.

Well, as I have been on this lacto-ovo vegetarian diet for a short time, I interviewed a person with much more knowledge on the subject, someone who has been vegetarian for much longer, exactly 42 years old!

that person is my father, who supported me in this matter and gave me some nutrition tips, and the best of all is that it is within what was already requested in my diet!

Read this interview I did with him:

Vegetarianism: A new way of life

Anne: When did you stop eating meat?

P: I stopped eating meat 42 years ago, when I was about 13 years old.

Anne: How did you discover vegetarianism?

P: My mother was already a vegetarian at that time and I once saw a health advertisement with some football players on TV that had the slogan: “Champions are vegetarians”. So I started researching vegetarianism and sought medical advice about cutting meat out of my diet, because I had a great desire to take care of my health. I received this medical support and was guided to make a replacement that was healthier for me.

Anne: Was it “all at once” or was this change in diet gradual?

P: It was "one time". I already had this very strongly in mind, but of course, before I stopped, I sought medical advice.

Anne: Have you ever had a relapse?

P: Not. I've always had this idea of ​​health and self-love. I already had this idea pretty firm, so I lost the desire to eat meat.

(It wasn't in the interview, but the interviewee had once told me that after 42 years of being a vegetarian, the meat just doesn't smell like something edible)

Anne: What did you feel after that? Did you feel any difference?

P: My weight stabilized, I felt more energy, digestion improved. The test results were higher than expected. I'm not lacking in vitamins or any nutrients.

Anne: Having not eaten meat for so long, how have you been replacing it?

P: I replace it with dairy products, eggs and eating all vegetables.

A REMINDER: When cutting meat from the diet, you should not refuse any type of vegetable, because they supply the lack of nutrients in the meat and are even more complete in this aspect.

Anne: Any last advice for anyone wanting to stop eating meat?

P: If you have in your mind the desire to stop eating meat, seek medical advice first, with follow-up to define a diet that is right for you and that meets what your body needs.

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