14 foods that accelerate aging

Good food can be compared to good fuel. We have more energy to carry out our activities. Cars operate at full capacity. On the other hand, bad or "baptized" fuel spoils the car's engine causing enormous damage to drivers.

Our “baptized” fuel is fried foods, sweets, sausages (sausages, ham, salami), industrialized foods (soups and seasonings) and ready-to-eat foods.

This nutrient-poor diet causes momentary satiety. Soon after eating comes tiredness and hunger. Such foods do not feed, they just “fill the belly”.

However, the problems are not just these. This poor diet, unfortunately increasingly common, due to the rush of everyday life, causes several diseases. Fried foods shouldn't be on the menu. During frying, the oil has its characteristics changed. Increased blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are consequences of excessive consumption of fried foods. Reusing the oil increases the risks. Frozen meals have high concentrations of sodium and saturated fat. As dangerous as fried foods, they also increase blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Consuming too much sugar with no nutritional value is harmful. Stuffed cookies are one of the most low-sugar foods. Diabetes, hypertension and decreased HDL (good cholesterol) are the problems associated with this food. However, the substances used to make cookies and fillings more colorful are linked to hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. Soft drinks are also villains. One can has 35 grams of sugar (8 teaspoons). The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 50 grams per day. That is, playing you consume more than half of the recommended.

Sausages have a high concentration of sodium and preservatives. The substances cause allergies, stomach problems, hypertension, cardiovascular problems and are also related to some types of cancer, such as stomach cancer. The disease is silent and the discovery, in most cases, happens in advanced stages.

Industrialized seasonings make life easier, but in the long run… Monosodium glutamate causes skin allergies, nausea, vomiting, asthma, depression, migraine, tachycardia, among other problems. Monosodium glutamate can release acetylcholine. The substance is linked to Alzheimer's disease.

But, these are not the only harmful foods. We list for you the 14 villains in food:


Sucrose, the refined version of sugar accelerates aging. Overdoing sweets makes you fat, raises blood pressure and causes diabetes. Aging is caused by glycation. The phenomenon is a reaction between protein and carbohydrate without enzymatic action. The first effects are felt on the skin. Replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners is not a good idea. In excess, sweeteners can cause thyroid problems. Another problem is headaches and joint pain. These products increase the craving for sweets. Coconut sugar, popular among Americans, is now available in España. The product is made from the sap of flower buds from the palm tree, a tree that grows in Thailand. Coconut sugar has only 10 calories.

Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol affects the liver in several ways. Cirrhosis compromises and, in some cases, paralyzes organ functions. It's a silent disease. Symptoms appear at an advanced stage. Yellowing of the eyes, abdominal swelling and tiredness are the main signs. Curing cirrhosis is only possible with transplantation.

Too much alcohol causes dehydration and decreases the quality of sleep. It causes wrinkles, uneven pigmentation and decreases skin elasticity. Another skin problem is rosacea. It is a chronic skin disease, whose redness is confused with sunburn. Rosacea affects the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. But, there is also ocular rosacea. Women are most affected. The first symptoms appear between the ages of 30 and 50. Itchy or burning skin, pimple-like lesions are some symptoms.

Energy Drinks

Common in clubs, energy drinks are acidic drinks that damage teeth. Beverages have three times more caffeine than a cup of coffee. In excess, it brings agitation, sleep disorders and is still related to chronic anxiety. Research also points to an association with arrhythmias and sudden death.

Energy drinks still have other stimulating ingredients. Acai, guarana, ginseng, taurine, arnitine, creatine, inositol and ginkgo biloba are some of them. If consumed in moderation, energy boosts sports performance. However, the drink should not be ingested during or after physical activities.  

Energy drinks have a lot of sugar. Those who are not diabetics have peak blood glucose and exhaustion after consumption. Sugar-free versions also have problems. Artificial sweeteners are just as harmful as sugar.

The union of energy and alcohol increases the negative effects. Caffeine makes alcohol absorb faster. Young, heavy drinkers of energy drinks are at even greater risk. The drink acts directly on the central nervous system. In this public, energy drinks can bring long-term damage.


It is not to give up substance. The problem is in excess. Caffeine is a diuretic, which leads to the elimination of fluids, consequently depleting moisture. The skin is also harmed. Caffeinated beverages are acidic and create microscopic pores on the enamel surface, which causes erosion. It is recommended to drink a glass of water after caffeine intake. As the pH of the water is neutral, the acid is removed.


14 foods that accelerate aging

Wine lovers need to be careful. Red can affect the color of teeth. White is also bad for your teeth. The acid contained in white wine compromises the enamel. Brushing your teeth immediately increases this problem. Dentist Maureen McAndrew, a professor at the New York University School of Dentistry, advises brushing after an hour.

Black tea

The high concentration of tannin, a substance found in seeds, wood, leaves and fruit peels, can cause stains on your teeth. However, according to the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, adding a little milk reduces these stains.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow in Scotland found a link between excess black tea and prostate cancer. Men between 21 and 75 years old were followed for 37 years. Approximately a quarter of the participants consumed black tea excessively. Of these, 6,4% had prostate cancer. The study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer concluded that drinking seven cups a day increases the risk of developing this type of cancer by 50%. The ideal is to consume two cups daily.

Red meat

Free radicals damage healthy cells. The skin stops producing collagen. You don't have to stop eating, just use common sense. Eat no more than three times a week.

burnt meat

Who loves the black cone that is on top of the meat? Know that it has pro-inflammatory hydrocarbons. They destroy the collagen in the skin. Remove this rind from the meat and also clean the grill.

Spicy food

Too much pepper is one of the risk factors for rosacea. It causes problems in menopause, as it dilates blood vessels, which explains the spots on the skin during this period. Again, common sense is required for consumption.

Trans fat

14 foods that accelerate aging

Fast food is on the menu of many people. In excess, it interferes with the functioning of the body. Trans fat compromises the telemeres, the capsules at the tip of the chromosomes, which reduces the organs' ability to regenerate. Fat hinders the metabolic process, this is crucial for obesity. Saturated fats raise bad cholesterol and settle in the arteries. The heart is overloaded, resulting in cardiovascular diseases. The unbridled consumption of fats affect the brain, causing the death of neurons.

Soft Drinks

Full of dyes, preservatives, sugar and caffeine, sodas are poison. The light, diet and zero versions have the same ingredients. Sugar steals our energy. Caffeine dramatically increases blood pressure, stimulates vasodilation, causes cardiac arrhythmia, and even causes involuntary tremors. Burping happens because the gas from the drink bursts as it passes through the esophagus. The next organ hit is the stomach. This organ produces gases. The union with the gases of the refrigerant increases the flatulence.

Unbridled consumption is also bad for your teeth. Have you noticed that they look different after drinking soda? Phosphoric acid is responsible. Phosphorus present in the body is processed by a calcium molecule. When drinking a soda, the body receives an extra load of phosphorus. This imbalance makes teeth extremely sensitive. Soft drinks increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Sal Island

There are four types of salt:

  • Table salt is used in food preparation. Contains iodine to prevent goiter, thyroid overgrowth. It has 40% sodium and 60% chlorine. The recommended amount is 2 grams per day.
  • The light has 30% sodium and 70% chlorine. It is indicated for hypertensive patients. Because it has more chlorine, light salt brings a burning sensation.
  • Sea salt, freshly ground with fresh herbs, is widely used by fans of functional food. Because it is not refined, sea salt retains essential elements for metabolism: iodine, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and bromine. It is the most recommended salt, after light.
  • Coarse salt is used in barbecues, oven roasts and cured fish. It has 40% sodium and 60% chlorine. Just a small amount to season.

The foods that are high in sodium are: instant noodles, cottage cheese, sausage, beef hamburger and breaded chicken. To give you an idea, instant noodles with seasoning have 2721 mg of sodium in 85 g. Who loves these foods and always has a salt shaker at hand better change the habit. Consuming too much salt dehydrates the body, causes fatigue and raises blood pressure.

In 2012, the Ministry of Health and Abia (Spanish Food Industries Association) signed the third stage to reduce sodium in seasonings, broths, margarine and breakfast cereals. The previous steps covered cookies, French fries, loaves of bread and instant noodles. The program began to take effect in 2013. The expectation is that 8,8 tons will be reduced by 2020.

corn-based foods

Corn syrup, present in ketchup, mustard, sodas and juice boxes is very bad. The substance favors overweight in children and diabetes. Corn-based foods also stimulate glycation. Excessive consumption triggers the production of omega 3 and 6. This imbalance causes inflammation and oxidation in the body. In addition to skin aging, these foods contribute to weight gain, as they have a high concentration of sugar.

Wheat based foods

14 foods that accelerate aging

Wheat is rich in amylopectin-A, a protein that raises blood sugar. Excessive consumption of breads, cookies and cakes causes glycation. The process is the reaction between protein and carbohydrate without enzymatic action. Glycation affects collagen, the protein responsible for the formation of most tissues. What causes aging are the substances produced by glycation. Advanced Glycation End Products – AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Products) are compounds that anticipate the aging of organs, joints and skin. Researchers have made an important discovery. They found the substance acrylamides in cooked wheat foods. It is present in the golden part of breads, cakes and French fries.

It never hurts to say: you are what you eat. Although we have presented 14 foods that accelerate aging, there is no reason to panic. Prefer vegetables, vegetables, fruits, but don't give up some pleasures. Picture the scene. Do you have a birthday by opening a lunch box with chopped carrots? After them delight in apples or bananas? Weird, isn't it? Moderation is the key to the deal. A little sweetie once in a while doesn't hurt. A glass of wine will not destroy your body. Two to four cups of coffee a day is not the end.

A hint: During the week, invest in positive foods. Leave sweets, barbecue and wine for the weekend. However, it's not to stick your foot in the jackfruit. If you like chocolate, for example, eat no more than two squares after dinner. And it has to be half bitter, because the levels of fat and sugar are lower.

It is difficult to maintain a regular diet. However, your body thanks you for the effort with disposition and beauty. How about changing your eating habits today?

  • Written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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