Know the best time to take your baby to the dentist

    Oral health in childhood is a controversial subject. Parents never know for sure when is the best time to start cleaning their little ones teeth with specific products and when to start flossing the dreaded floss.

    Know the best time to take your baby to the dentist

    The professional specialized in caring for the oral health of babies and children is the pediatric dentist. As soon as your child's teeth start to grow, a visit to such a dentist is already valid. He is the one who will recommend the best products to you. to use in cleaning and will teach you the best way to do this cleaning. In addition, this professional will already make an evaluation of all the bones of the face, mucosa and gums to ensure that everything is within the growth patterns.

    Pediatric dentists recommend flossing from the birth of the first two teeth. Thus, it is avoided that food remains and residues accumulate in the space between one tooth and another. All this serves to prevent the little ones from developing early cavities and having to undergo invasive treatments and restorations.

    Text written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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