Foods to eat (and avoid) during menstruation

Foods to eat (and avoid) during menstruation

During the menstrual period, many women experience pain, discomfort and indisposition. To get around the painful effects of menstruation, then, it is common for them to resort to hot water bottles, tips from friends and family, and some remedies available in pharmacies. But the solution is not always in these factors.

The food we eat is crucial on those days. Some can reduce bloating, improve your mood, and ease period pains, while other foods can be responsible for making you feel even worse, weaker, and more bloated this part of the month. Have you ever stopped to think about it?

What can't you eat when you're menstruating?

1) Processed foods

Sodium is an ingredient that is very present in industrialized foods and that, in addition to harming the functioning of your body, can increase the feeling of bloating during menstruation. Avoid foods that come packaged, because they are industrialized! Embedded foods such as salami, turkey breast and ham, despite making anyone happy for breakfast, are also high in sodium and, likewise, should be avoided during this period.

2) Fatty foods

When we eat fried foods, we put into our bodies an absurd amount of trans fat and estrogen, components that can increase menstrual pain, especially during the bleeding period of the cycle. Other fatty foods, such as red meat, can unbalance the body's hormone production, an effect that is very harmful to the body during menstruation, so avoid these foods.

3) Sugar

As much as you feel the urge to eat sugary foods during your period, this attitude can further disrupt your blood sugar levels, which are already out of balance because of your period. Milk chocolate, for example, is a dessert that should not be eaten during menstruation, as the high levels of fat and sugar in this food can unbalance your body and even increase the pain of the cycle.

4) Shall

Salt is an ingredient that promotes fluid retention in the body and this effect can harm you during your menstrual period. The best way to avoid discomfort and encourage the release of everything that needs to come out of you is to reduce the consumption of very salty foods at this stage.

5) Milk and dairy products

Cow's milk and dairy products should be avoided during menstruation, because the calcium present in these foods can reduce the body's potential for iron absorption, so avoid these consumptions to keep your mood and your body up to date. Yogurt, however, is an exception in this case, and that you will understand later, when we talk about what you should consume during your period.

6) Coffee

If caffeine, on normal days, can already impair the quality of your sleep, know that in the menstrual cycle this effect intensifies even more. In addition, coffee also makes women feel irritable and increases the pain of menstrual cramps, so try to spend this period without ingesting this drink, as much as other drinks that contain caffeine, such as energy drinks.

7) Alcohol

Alcoholic drinks are perfect to celebrate or to de-stress after a busy day, but during menstruation they can increase blood flow and bring more discomfort to this already uncomfortable part of the month. That's because, in addition to causing dehydration, alcohol causes vasodilation and increases the body's blood pressure.

8) Fizzy drinks

Sodas and sparkling water, for example, are drinks that do not match the menstrual period, in addition to not being good for health, even if ingested on normal days. These drinks are rich in sodium, a substance that causes bloating and can cause a lot of discomfort during this period. Replace them with water or natural juices!

9) White rice

Although white rice seems to be an extremely healthy food, when processed by the body, it turns into sugar. As the levels of this component change during the menstrual period, it is better to avoid this food so as not to increase the imbalance in blood circulation.

What can you eat when you are menstruating?

1) Fruits

Fruits can be your best friends during menstruation! Lemon, being rich in vitamin C, increases your immunity. Papaya is a fiber-rich food, which can reduce the feeling of bloating and regulate intestinal flora, which is usually impaired during menstruation. Orange has calcium and vitamin D in its composition, which ensures the balance of your body's hormones and the rescue of your mood. Bananas, which have a high concentration of vitamin B6, can reduce fluid retention, regulate your digestive cycle and also increase your well-being. Pineapple is a fruit rich in manganese, a component that has the ability to reduce premenstrual tension and fight the pain that affect women during this period.

2) Whole grains

Another important source of magnesium for your period is whole grains. They reduce tension in the body before bleeding starts, helping to ease PMS symptoms, and they can also combat the natural aches and pains of your cycle.

3) Dark green vegetables

Kale and leafy greens, such as spinach, endive and arugula, are essential sources of iron for a woman's body during menstruation, when she is losing blood. Bet on one of these sheets to replace what you're missing! Magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamins A, C, B6 and E are the components found in broccoli. They can increase your well-being, reduce menstrual cramps, lessen tension in the body and allow your menstrual period to pass without complications.

4) Oilseeds

Nuts, like chestnuts, are a safe and healthy option for your menstrual cycle. This type of food is rich in magnesium and this component helps in the relief of menstrual cramps, pain in general, and can also reduce the symptoms and discomforts of premenstrual tension (PMS).

5) Dark chocolate

If you can't give up the chocolate, don't worry and opt for the bitter version. With less sugar and fat, the candy stimulates the release of serotonin, increasing the happiness and pleasure you feel, even during menstruation.

6) Water

Drinking water is essential at all times, of course, but during your period, it is by far the best technique to reduce bloating and flush out period blood. Stay hydrated and see how even your mood will improve!

7) Teas

Hot teas can make the menstrual period much more pleasant. In addition to fighting cramps, they can promote an anti-inflammatory action, reducing other pain and bringing a sense of well-being. Any herb or leaf will help you right now, bet on the one you like the most! Teas will also make you relaxed and help you have a peaceful night's sleep.

8) Yogurt

Unlike other dairy products, yogurt is a food that can always be consumed to regulate the intestinal flora, as it contains bacteria and live actives that are good for the body. In the menstrual phase, it is even more important to regulate the digestive system and to bring well-being to the woman. Mix it with fruit and enjoy!

9) Carrot

Carrot juice or the food in its own natural form is a great boost to the body's absorption of iron. Carrots even increase hormone production, which can accelerate the end of menstruation and reduce discomfort.

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10) Salmon

Salmon and other foods rich in omega-3s promote muscle relaxation in your body, reducing period pain and allowing you to feel more at ease during this difficult time. Since you should avoid red meats during this period, how about taking advantage of salmon to replace them?!

Why do we have more desire for some foods in this period?

Yes, it's normal to feel like you're eating or craving extra food during your period! This is because of the hormonal changes that happen in your body during this period, such as the increase in cortisol, which is nothing more than the stress hormone, and, with that, your body acts trying to balance itself with the foods that provide it. welfare. The act of eating, then, works as a source of satisfaction and tranquility in the face of this hormonal stimulus, which is often disturbing; hence, your craving for certain foods.

The menstrual period is a time that can be uncomfortable for many women, but there is a way to ease and improve the pain caused by this natural cycle. If your discomfort is persistent, remember to seek medical help. Share with your friends and family everything you've learned about the ideal foods for your period and have a more pleasant life even on those days!

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