chayote benefits

If you are one of those people who think that chayote is not funny at all, it is better to review your concepts. It doesn't have a strong flavor, but it's light and fresh. It's good that it combines with a huge variety of dishes. And it is also rich in many nutrients. Discover the benefits of chayote here, and, in addition, prepare two delicious and surprising dishes with the recipes that we provide at the end of the article.
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Something about the chuchu:

Although it is called a “vegetable”, chayote is a fruit (just like the tomato). It belongs to the curcubitaceae family (which also includes pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber, zucchini and melon). Cultivated since antiquity, it is said to have originated in Mexico and Central America (especially Costa Rica and Panama).

Chayote can be planted anywhere and is a very versatile fruit.

chayote benefits

He who sees a face does not see a heart:

You may even think it's a little flat at first, but there are several benefits of chayote: it's rich in dietary fiber and low in calories (100 grams of chayote has only 20 calories). For those on a weight loss diet, chayote is a great ally.

Despite being considered tasteless by many people, chayote is a very rich food: it contains vitamins A, C and the B complex (folate, riboflavin, pyridoxine and thiamine), antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, between others.

The benefits of chayote:

Due to the vast amount of nutrients, it is already assumed that chayote has numerous benefits. The fruit helps control blood sugar levels and keep the heart healthy as it lowers bad cholesterol levels.

Thanks to the presence of antioxidants, it helps in the fight against free radicals, and can be a reinforcement to prevent aging and also cancer.

The presence of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus allows it to be an ally in strengthening bones and preventing diseases such as osteoporosis.

chayote benefits

The good amount of potassium helps the kidneys function properly and helps to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Attention, pregnant women: chayote should be frequent in your diet, as it contains folic acid, an essential nutrient for fetal formation. In addition to all these benefits, chayote is an excellent source of energy (thanks to manganese), helps you lose weight in a healthy way, strengthens the immune system and is still great for hair and skin.

After knowing all the benefits of chayote, you will surely look at chayote with different eyes. And to demystify the idea that the taste is bland for certain palates, here are two unusual recipes that prove the versatility of this wonderful fruit and that will help you get out of the gastronomic common place.


chayote benefits

sweet chayote cake

(Taken from the website “Five Quarters of Orange”)

This recipe brings a chayote-based sweet that is not one of those “fake” jams, and has spices and nuts.


  • 300 g of T55 wheat flour;
  • 80 g of chopped walnuts;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 235 g of brown sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 5 g of cinnamon;
  • 7,5 g of vanilla sugar;
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg;
  • 175 g of unsalted butter;
  • 150 g of cooked chayote (heavy skinned);
  • 1 pinch of clove powder;
  • Zest of 1 orange;
  • Zest of 1 lemon;
  • 1 pinch of salt.


Beat the butter with the sugar. Add the eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Grind the chayote with the magic wand until you obtain a puree and add it with the salt and the vanilla sugar. Shake well. Add the spices, orange and lemon zest, flour and yeast. Sprinkle 60 g of walnuts with a little flour and fold into the mixture.

Place the dough in a round shape with a hole, greased with butter or margarine.

Arrange the rest of the chopped walnuts on top of the dough. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 40 minutes on average. Before removing from the oven, check, with the help of a toothpick, if the cake is already baked.

chayote benefits

Chayote with coconut milk

(Taken from the magazine “Practical Kitchen)


  • 1 small onion, chopped;
  • 2 crushed garlic cloves;
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • 1 large chayote, peeled and coarsely grated;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato puree;
  • 1/2 cup of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • 4 tablespoons of coconut milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped coriander.

To the roof:

  • 1 tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs.


Saute onion and garlic in oil. Add the chayote, tomato puree and water. When the chayote is soft, add the flour, coconut milk and cilantro. Stir well and remove. Distribute in 8 mini casseroles. Mix the Parmesan cheese and breadcrumbs and sprinkle on each of the mini casseroles. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 10 minutes.

Our tip, in addition to this wonderful recipe: for more freshness and health, try using homemade coconut milk (made fresh).

With these two amazing recipes, you can certainly enjoy the benefits of chayote in terms of versatility, sophistication and flavor.

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