unequal equality

Men and women have lived together and shared the same space for thousands of years. And ever since, there have been discussions about who has the most physical, emotional and even intellectual “potential”.

Men always thought they were stronger, and women, in order not to “lost”, say they are more intelligent. So, who's right? Nobody.

Each person is a person, a unique being, special and full of potentialities to be explored, whether physical, psychic or intellectual.

unequal equality

Historically women had to fight bravely for their freedom, for their jobs, wages and control over their own bodies. In short: we always fight for EQUAL opportunities and respect.

Currently this subject is on the rise, provoking constructive controversies and some that, in my humble and sincere opinion, will lead us nowhere. Should we fight for the short skirt and low-cut blouse without feeling like a piece of meat walking down the street? Yup. Should we fight for equal pay? Yup. Should we fight for the practice of love without prejudice? Yup. Should we take to the streets to defend our rights? Yup. Are we going to earn all this desired respect by attacking others and exposing our body that is so sacred? Not.

I think that when we fight for an ideal, first of all, we have to be humble and assume some questions, for example: it is the anatomy of men to have more developed muscle mass than women, so most men will have more strength physical than women. On the other hand, women have, physiologically speaking, more memory capacity than men, in this way, women often stand out in the intellectual aspect. That doesn't make men better than women, or women better than men.

unequal equality

Some time ago, I was talking to a girl, a researcher on the subject we are dealing with, and together we went to the market, me, her and her partner. I caught a scene that left me very confused: the boy, seeing the excess weight she was carrying, offered to help and she replied: do you think I'm soft? That I can't load? He promptly replied: I know you can, but the last time we went to the market and I didn't help you, you told me that I wasn't kind enough to share the burden with you… do you understand the inconsistency of this story?

I was reflecting on this scene for some time, and I came to the conclusion that we still have a long and arduous path ahead, and this path must be walked on the basis of a lot of acceptance, study and respect.

Acceptance because we have to assume ourselves as we are, strong or weak, brilliantly intelligent or not, we are all in constant evolution.

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Study because the more we read and research a topic, the better able we are to discuss it coherently.

Respect because he is needed in any situation, regardless of his gender, he must always come first.

I think if we look back, we've come a long way towards this equality. We must not give up this fight, we cannot give up our rights, our wills, and much less, we must position ourselves in a submissive way and accept oppression.

unequal equality

Men and women are the fruits of the same seed, which was planted in order to continue the species, to generate other fruits. And that these new fruits can grow in the midst of a healthy society that understands and sees people as human beings, without barriers and without labels.

I hope that this equality will be achieved soon, so that we can finally live in a just and egalitarian society, free from prejudice and with an excess of compassion.

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