Perversion or persuasion: details of the action of a pervert

    Manipulative, blackmailing and seductive characteristics are some that outline the profile of those who are perverse. The condition, within psychoanalysis, can be understood as a mental structure such as neurosis and psychosis.

    Probably, in your social cycle there is an extremely seductive person, who easily convinces everyone around him to follow his ideas and plans and who is absurdly friendly and very sociable. For the most inattentive, he is a well-connected person with great power of influence. For the more attentive, a manipulative, impulsive person, with feelings of superiority and, finally, perverse.

    It is well known that the world is full of them: people who lie and have a habit of transgressing social norms without any feeling of guilt or remorse. The perverts desire power and can adopt practices understood as social “deviations”, including when it comes to sex.

    Perversion or persuasion: details of the action of a pervert
    lightfieldstudios / 123rf

    Perversion, within psychoanalysis, is a mental structure like neurosis and psychosis, and is not just sexual. We would have symptoms to analyze the types of perversion, which can be sexual or show antisocial behaviors. But it is very difficult to close the diagnosis of perversion, since it is not an isolated symptom. It is something that is really there, as a “way of being”. So, generally speaking, a pervert has manipulative, blackmailing, seductive characteristics.

    Obviously, caution must be exercised before going out attesting to the perversion of the most influential, with strong characteristics of leaders or predators in their essence, after all, persuasion and determination can be very socially welcomed and even admirable characteristics, but some behaviors can help reveal the profile of the wicked and to be careful when the advances get emotionally dangerous.

    The person seems to be able to trap you, seduce you emotionally and make you fall into their mental traps, even if you try to escape. It's not your fault, after all, the person does all this to manipulate you, since, deep down, they don't care about you, they just pretend to like you.

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    It is possible to escape these actions by piercing the manipulator's discourse, that is, denying the suggestions he gives, starting to impose himself, to speak more about himself and to make more emancipated decisions; and, of course, not exposing yourself too much when he's close.

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