home remedy for sinusitis

Have you heard of home remedies for sinusitis? First, it is necessary to understand that sinusitis consists of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the sinus, region of the skull around the nose, eyes and cheekbones, formed by bone cavities.

There are some variations of the disease, such as viral sinusitis, which is usually triggered by a simple cold, appearing with symptoms such as yellowish or greenish nasal discharge; allergic sinusitis, which is commonly triggered by bouts of allergic rhinitis or by exposing a person to factors that can cause an allergy, with symptoms such as itchy throat and constant sneezing; bacterial sinusitis, caused by bacterial infection and which appears with a fever that exceeds 38,5ºC, together with severe pain in the face region and consistent secretion that lasts for more than 10 days, and fungal sinusitis, which is present in cases where the individual cannot cure sinusitis with treatment and the disease becomes persistent (in this case the most common symptom is just discomfort on the face).

home remedy for sinusitis
Monfocus image by Pixabay.

As respiratory diseases appear suddenly throughout the days, we are going to give you some tips on home remedies for sinusitis, so that as soon as you experience any symptoms, you will know how to make a home remedy to relieve them.

Remember: these home remedies are completely natural and indicated to help relieve symptoms and strengthen your body. They do not replace the opinion of a doctor or the medicines that are prescribed. It is extremely important that you look for a specialist to start the appropriate treatment for your diagnosis.

home remedy for sinusitis
Image of Evita Ochel by Pixabay.

1 – Spinach juice

Spinach contains properties that work to relieve sinus symptoms. In addition to acting as an anti-inflammatory, it has decongestant action and is effective in eliminating secretions.

The recipe for this juice is very simple, you will need 100 grams of spinach and 250 ml of water. Blend the ingredients in a blender, strain and then drink.

2 - Saline solution

This tip is for cleaning your nose and ending the discomfort in the sinuses caused by sinusitis.

The recipe consists of the following: in a glass of mineral (or filtered) water, add a tablespoon of salt and stir until dissolved. Apply the mixture inside the nose, if you have a syringe it will be easier. This is the most used home remedy for sinusitis to relieve discomfort!

home remedy for sinusitis
Image of annca by Pixabay.

3 – Mint juice with nettle

The mixture of these two ingredients has decongestant and anti-allergic properties that relieve and eliminate secretions caused by sinus inflammation, especially allergic sinusitis.

This recipe is a little more complex, but still super simple to make:


– 5 grams of nettle leaves;
– 20 grams of mint leaves;
– 250 ml (approximately a glass) of coconut water;
– 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus honey.


Cook the nettle leaves in a pan with water, boil for 5 minutes. Then, place the already cooked leaves with the rest of the ingredients in the blender. Whisk until you get a homogeneous juice. Drink this extremely tasty juice 2-3 times a day, preferably between meals.

Note: if the nettle leaves are not cooked, they may trigger an allergic reaction. It is essential that you cook them, as this is the only way to lose their allergy-causing properties.

home remedy for sinusitis
Image of Karin Henseler by Pixabay

4 – Nebulization with salt, eucalyptus and water

Inhaling eucalyptus vapor with nebulization is effective to reduce secretions that accumulate in the sinuses, resulting from sinusitis, as it is a powerful expectorant. Salt and water are included in this “recipe” to enhance the effect of eucalyptus so that the nasal passages are decongested more easily.

Prepare a tea of ​​eucalyptus leaves, approximately 4, with a teaspoon of salt and 300 ml of water. Let it cool and inhale the steam through your nebulizer for approximately 10 minutes and at least 2 times a day. If you don't have an inhaler or nebulizer, increase the amount of tea proportionately, bring it to a boil and pour it into a bowl. Sit in front of her and tilt your body so you can inhale the steam.

5 – Chamomile tea

Chamomile is in virtually all tips to relieve the symptoms of various diseases and strengthen the body, as it is a plant with many medicinal attributes. In the case of sinusitis, chamomile tea is a natural and homemade remedy that has antiseptic, analgesic, healing and anti-inflammatory properties, helping considerably in the inflammation of the nasal mucosa, throat and congestion.

For this tea, you will need 200 ml of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Let these two ingredients infuse for 10 minutes and once it's warm, drink it!

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Homemade Recipe That Doesn't Work to Relieve Sinus Symptoms:

Many people say that pepper water is effective in relieving this inflammation, because pepper is rich in a substance that has anti-inflammatory action, capsaicin, but this property does not have the power to relieve sinusitis, as it is very mild.

Let's emphasize here the importance of looking for a doctor! To treat any type of sinusitis, you need to find out what the cause was: infection, allergy, fungus, or bacteria. Surely the doctor will tell you to do the best treatment with medication, and even then you can continue with some home remedy for sinusitis, as most of the recipes are natural, serving as a complement to help you get better!

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