Good job! How being kind can change (for the better) people's lives

    Once, more than fifteen years ago, I worked as a cashier at a vegetarian restaurant in my town. It was my second formal job, I was still very young. I went to college during the week and worked on the weekends during lunchtime. I was very grateful for my job, because, in addition to earning my living, I could have wonderful meals, free of charge, with a very pleasant group of colleagues.

    There came a time in the afternoon, after 15 pm, especially on Sundays, when tiredness began to hit. One day, a lady paid for her lunch and said goodbye, saying, “Have a good job!” That sounded wonderfully satisfying. It seemed like she really cared about the fact that it was late and I still hadn't eaten, she was working so that more people could have a happy meal. Hearing that lady's wish for a good job suited me so well, it cheered me up so much, that I soon forgot my hunger. Since that day, I began to wish everyone who helped me, wherever I went, a “good job”. It is so simple, that we can understand it as less important. As if it bothered a boyfriend I had, he asked me why I was “funny” to the employees, saying that. Fool he. The sympathy was because I was also a hard worker and knew the power of those words. We feel important when someone cares about us. We feel equal, we feel more than employees.

    Good job! How being kind can change (for the better) people's lives
    Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

    Kindness is the fertilizer of gratitude. Being kind, being cordial, being considerate of strangers feeds the wheel of kindness. It is not foolish to say that a gesture of education multiplies itself from other manifestations, like a seed of good. To consider that, in my leisure time, someone works for me to have comfort and joy, and to thank them for that, in a friendly way, is to make the planet spin happier and more peacefully. Thus, saying goodbye saying “have a good day, have a good job” is to respond with delicacy to the gesture of attention we receive when we are served. And when we are on the other side, serving, we want to do it in the best way, pleasing the customer and providing the best experience.

    Having a good job is watching giving the best of ourselves. The same lady who changed my way of treating people gave me another example of living well: on a rainy afternoon, with the restaurant empty, she arrived for lunch. I exclaimed: “What a boring rain, huh?”, to which she replied: “We are alive!”. Once again, gratitude was there to be lived, and rain is a blessing for animals and plants, as well as filling the rivers. Seeing the beauty of small episodes, being grateful, being joyful, being kind is being able to experience the love of the Universe and giving us the opportunity to love our fellow human beings.

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    Have you ever recognized that there is someone toiling in your moment of rest? Have you ever wished a good job on those who are working to make your day more fruitful? Try it! Understand that we all serve the same purpose and we give our utmost effort to make the planet more fortunate and peaceful. Make the empathy wheel spin! Let's be affectionate!

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