Food tips to lower uric acid

Food is one of the best ways to prevent disease. If the food is not good, the chances of having some disease or indisposition are great. One of the substances that can affect our health is uric acid. It is formed by the body itself through the decomposition of purine present in some foods. If uric acid is high, gout, stroke and heart attack can develop, which can be harmful to health.

Taking care of your diet can prevent the build-up of uric acid in the body. Some foods are indispensable for those who already have high uric acid. It is also necessary to pay attention to the consumption of foods such as red meat, fish, beer and drinks rich in fructose that can increase it.

Uric acid is considered elevated when it is above 7,0 mg/dL in men and can be seen from blood tests. Its increase can cause this swelling in the joints to the formation of kidney stones and acute or chronic kidney failure.

important foods

Some information about foods that directly impact the increase or control of uric acid:

  • Food tips to lower uric acidArtichoke: this vegetable has diuretic properties that help eliminate uric acid through urine;
  • Onion: it helps to prevent and it is recommended to boil it in water with the juice of a lemon and drink two cups a day;
  • Carrot: they are alkalizing and help to lower the level of uric acid in the blood;
  • Beet: beet juice should be consumed daily in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • Lemon: it also helps to reduce uric acid and it is recommended to drink the juice every morning on an empty stomach.

Also, it is important to drink a lot of water as it helps the body to get rid of the substances it does not need. There are also vegetables that are not recommended like spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower, asparagus, and legumes. Also pay attention not to consume too much protein.

Food tips to lower uric acid

Consumption of broccoli, lettuce, eggs, gelatin that will help to make the blood less acidic, as well as the consumption of milk and dairy products.

Here are some prohibited foods: red meats, seafood, offal, tomatoes, industrial bakery foods. Also take care of animal fats present in cream and butter, and of course, avoid alcoholic beverages.

As you can see, opting for some foods can reduce uric acid in the body. If in doubt, it is important to consult a doctor..

Text written by Angรฉlica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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