Who defines love?

Human beings were definitely not born to live alone. You need to group, associate, establish links.

For various reasons, cultural, social, religious among others, forming a lasting bond with another person, better known as marriage, has become almost an obsession these days.

Many people look for us because they are alone, looking for this bond, looking for the other, called love by them! This is a process that causes anguish, sadness, disappointment. It brings up many questions that cause pain.

Another issue, in addition to the one above, is the doubt of people who have already found the other. These come into great conflict because they are not sure that what they feel is actually love.

These are two questions that show both sides of the same coin. Just by these two questions you can already see that this love, is really complicated!

Who defines love?But, after all, what is love? Who dares to define it?

Well, I don't risk it, because one thing I've learned is that everyone loves the way they know how and the way they can! You can't give what you don't have! We are different and we don't have the same things to give.

There is no right and wrong when it comes to love. What exists is what the couple agrees on, what they understand as right and, above all, is good for both of them. But for this understanding we need a starting point.

The definition would be this starting point but as no one takes any chances, I will say that we need three basic structures for the healthy support of this bond.

They are:
- Friendship;
โ€“ Sex;
โ€“ Admiration.

Not exactly in that order, and also without greater weight for one or the other. All three need to be present, because if one of them is missing, the relationship loses the balance initially achieved by passion. But as we all know passion is the initial fuel, it would be the ignition of the engine.

And the rest of the trip, how to proceed? To continue a relationship, he needs what I like to call a โ€œsupport tripodโ€! Feeding friendship day after day, building sex day after day and having reasons to admire each other every day will be the recipe for the success of a great love!

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