“Armored” people are more interesting

There is seduction in the mystery, in the process of deconstructing, in the surprise ingredient of what is not fully visible and accessible.

Conquering a mysterious person values ​​who conquered him. When the person has nuances, nuances, we continue to unveil their secrets, step by step, secret by secret, as if each exposed piece came with the flavor of victory.

There are always new discoveries to be made, this is exciting, it is a driving force that does not let us stop, does not move us.

There is one key point: satisfaction. The satisfaction of having conquered such a person makes us more chained to this personality that never ceases to amaze us.

“Armored” people are more interesting

Difficult people are more interesting.

The best relationships always keep some mystery.

No one can resist the total and absolute truth. There always has to be a balance between the routine and what takes us out of the patterns, being home but also taking the ground. The feeling that there is space to fill, to discover, makes us overcome ourselves in order to keep the person's interest in us as well. In the end, having an interesting and demanding person is also a way of learning and overcoming. In this way, disinterest does not settle and the power of feeling always finds new ways to be replenished.

“Armored” people are more interesting
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The important thing about non-accessibility is also not taking it to the extreme. There have to be gaps so that the other can also enter, there has to be surrender so that there is a reward for both.

The mystery is instigating, it always leaves questions in the air and generates in the other an almost disturbing desire to enter their world. Mystery moves desire and attracts.

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