Yellow September: suicide in the elderly

    Aging can be a difficult phase, the long-awaited retirement often turns into boredom.  The executive loses his power, he has no one to command; the worker who has always produced feels useless, as he still has energy and disposition, but he no longer has recognition. Daily relationships with friends, the street, conversations, everything changes, and it may not be as nice as you dreamed of. Often the person is not prepared from a social point of view.

    The third age is marked, from an existential point of view, by the finitude of life, which begins with the decline of physical, sexual and cognitive functions. Death is natural and part of life, however, in practice, the theory is not so simple.

    Often there is the death of a partner, losses and even loss of autonomy, as children usually “talk” for the elderly, even in medical consultations, they move house, after all, they no longer need such a big house… ?

    Children end up taking the decision-making power away from their parents. 

    Yellow September: suicide in the elderly
    Edu Carvalho / Canva / Me Without Borders

    The health plan increases, retirement does not follow... That independent man begins to depend financially on his children and this can be deadly for the pride it.

    Thus, little by little, the Depression sets in, isolation and discomfort become too great. Suddenly, the medicine box that was supposed to last 30 days, yields a lot… This is Passive Suicide.

    Men, especially, have more difficulty in recognizing that they are depressed, they do not complain about depression, they justify that they are sadder, or more tired, they have pain, but it is not Depression…

    The loss of a partner, of a child, difficult grief, easy access to medication... After all, which elderly person does not have a lot of medicines at home, of the most diverse types, which he has gathered for a lifetime and does not throw them away... He, who didn't drink, starts abusing alcohol... Family ties are getting smaller and he needs warmth... This is access to lethal means. 

    The elderly, when committing suicide, it's not on impulse, as in young people, it is by their own decision. Loss situations, chronic and often painful illnesses, treatments that do not improve… In addition to being considered a risk factor those who have been depressed before and already know the disease.

    Yellow September: suicide in the elderly
    Art-Y / Canva / Me Without Borders

    Some seasons deserve more attention, such as the anniversary of the death of someone important, commemorative dates, such as Christmas, Mother's Day or Father's Day.

    Let's imagine: how is their feeling in these cases? 

    It is necessary to pay more attention when the elderly stop making plans, talking about the future… When they start to evaluate the distribution of goods, can it just be someone organized or suicidal?

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    Are Protective Factors: family ties, social support, plans for future projects, spirituality, religiosity and hope! 

    We will be on the lookout for a early identification of risk signs and working on prevention is always the most effective way out. Medical treatment and psychotherapy on them!


    Suicide Prevention | Adolescent Suicide | Impulsivity and Suicide | Suicide Postvention | Suicide and Chemical Dependence | Pregnancy Suicide | CVV - Life Appreciation Center

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