The Law of Attraction and the Countryside in Times of Social Upheaval

    That's why we talk so much about gratitude. It is well known that the more we give thanks, the more we focus on grace, the blessing, and the more of it we attract.

    Ahhh, if we could only stay for a whole week, without complaining about anything and just being grateful for everything, absolutely everything, including the challenges that make us grow… it would be to know the results of being in another tune, connected in another frequency…

    Feeling of joy, lightness, love, listening to good music, seeing, watching fun and funny things... yes, it is possible to artificially seek this change of pattern until it is natural...

    Paying attention to the type of energy we attract, taking care of thoughts and feelings, leaving the materialistic paradigm and recognizing that we are energy… in fact, a bunch of walking atoms, which suffer from energetic changes.

    Today there is so much talk about co-creation, about being the creators of our reality. Quantum mechanics has already verified the power of the Observer's attention, The Collapse of the Schrodinger Wave Function. Sensational!

    I keep asking myself: what kind of people study physics? Probably those who already know what the Natural Laws actually mean in our practical lives and come to teach us again, and again, what social control insists on showing us only at school, lightly, disconnected, to test and forget. It would be too dangerous for all of us to be co-creators, free, healthy and independent…

    The Law of Attraction and the Countryside in Times of Social Upheaval

    The Observer is the Being, the Consciousness, and not the Ego, that partial and relative character that we have been taught and that we believe we are. The Ego desires things, madly, eternally dissatisfied, while the Being seeks its needs, which in fact we need to follow our evolutionary journey...

    So to know the difference between desire and need we need to silence, take care of our feelings to keep us in high vibration, to stop collecting empty things and seek the realization of the Soul.

    In psychoanalysis we use the term Morphic Field, which is nothing more than a frequency band... minds united forming a large Mental Field on the planet, varying by bands, as well as the radio bands where you choose one to tune in and it plays... track has a different style… you choose and listen.

    Minds affect the Field and the Field affects minds. We are all interconnected. It's like a great web with thin invisible threads connecting us to each other… we are transmitters and receivers at the same time.

    Let's imagine what so many minds vibrating fear and negative things can do with the Field. Imagine so much news of fear, evil, soap operas, movies, music, spreading hate… what does that do to Campo? What does it do to you?

    So you pray, pray, ask, meditate and nothing happens… why? How is your vibration? How do you think the Light gets to you without first chipping away at a huge concrete block of dense energy from so long a bad vibe?

    We're talking about feeling. What have you been feeling during the day? Anger, intolerance, envy, hopelessness, jealousy, lovelessness, hatred, or love, admiration, compassion, joy, understanding, peace…

    Pray and watch, it is nothing more than that. Take care of what you think and what you feel.

    I'm not talking about being passive, but peaceful.

    eyes to see… 

    With love.

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