Grandmother – The Unconditional Love of Being!

    Much is said about Unconditional Love. What a beautiful thing, everyone wants to feel, every mother thinks she feels for her child. I already thought like that when I lived in my idealizations, after all… who never?! Haha.

    But it's not like that, no. Mother wants the child to be the way we would like, to do what we think is right and best for them. Obviously the intention is the best most of the time, but if they aren't or don't do what we planned, we don't like it, we really get annoyed... we love it, but I would like it... and that's not unconditional love.

    Grandmother – The Unconditional Love of Being!Unconditional love is not exchange. Exchange love is the one in which we give to receive, and that's what we learned and that we are very happy when we can give, or exchange, because there are people who are not even in the internship, there are those who just want to receive. , and it's all right, because everyone is where they need to be and it's not up to us to judge anyone, just remember that we're not trees, we don't have roots and we can leave at any time where we're not well.

    But I recognized one Unconditional Love now, with my dear granddaughter, Marina, who is only 9 months old and is therefore still pure instinct, or, as we call it in psychoanalysis, pure Id.

    At this age her Ego is not yet in formation, so she is not subject to social rules, does nothing to please anyone, has not been indoctrinated by educational standards and simply acts according to her desires and reacts according to her feelings.

    It is the Being, the Higher Self in its pure essence! Today, with everything I've learned, I can see that and I'm following in amazement how little time she will be like this, because soon, around one year old, she already starts to want to be part of the omnipotence of adults and will be conditioned to obey in order to be accepted and loved. It is part of the formation of the Ego.

    When my children were babies, I didn't know these things, I was totally immersed in conventional patterns, in a deep sleep... I gave them all my love and care, but I wasn't awake. Now, I see much beyond the veil…

    Grandmother – The Unconditional Love of Being!

    Marina and I have a deep love relationship, a connection that certainly comes from other experiences. The fact is that we love each other. I've loved her since pregnancy. Obviously, being my son's daughter is already an incredible feeling, but as soon as she was born, I already realized the connection, which is reciprocal.

    She loves me regardless of any standards, whether I'm thin or fat, whether I'm tidy or not, whether I have wrinkles or not, whether I have something to give her or not... she just feels the love I send her. and ready. It's a relationship without any interest, we just like to be together.

    Just that, and all that, because nothing could be more pure, light and delicious!

    We were born like this, just the Being, pure joy and love, and with time they spoil us, we become dominated by the Ego, believing in the mind, and then struggling until we reconnect with all this... but it's better late than never !

    Grandmother – The Unconditional Love of Being!

    Unconditional love for strangers on this plane we live in is for very high beings, like Francis of Assisi, Master Jesus, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, among others, who came by to teach us a few things...

    I am grateful and I enjoy this wonderful experience that I am living, because, like everything in our lives, it will pass!


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