The field


    Then that's it…

    We are all under an immense Electromagnetic Field which is the Universe, call it God, Creator, Quantum Vacuum or whatever you prefer to call it, it doesn't matter.

    The fact is that we are all interconnected in the Field.

    Thus, everything we emanate, we receive back… Thoughts, feelings…

    Everything we do to others inevitably comes back to us.

    And it's not punishment, philosophy, any of that… It's pure physics.

    The field

    That simple!

    To think:

    What are we emanating now? What would our spreadsheet look like if we could map our feelings for 24 hours? More negative or positive?

    I think this is what Mestre Jesus wanted to explain when he left the message: “Pray and watch”.

    Today, quantum mechanics calls it co-creation and it works for good and for bad!

    It turns out that everything is the same… We really need to learn to use our mind to our advantage.

    With love,

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