Mom is good, but lasts a long time!

    To be more exact, a lifetime!!! And, despite the joke, in fact, mothers last a long time, they are eternal in our lives, as well as their attitudes, their beliefs and their lessons.

    It's been a long time since I stopped understanding the “mother” mission as something glamorous. Yes, being a mother is truly a mission and I believe that, more than being a mother, the issue is being a woman. I have friends who decided not to have children, others couldn't, others had them, and so on. That doesn't mean they stopped being mothers.

    As missionaries, we have our moments of weakness, our doubts, our delights, our fears and everything that involves the responsibility of caring for another being. Bring to life, educate, teach and give the guidelines so that they can follow in order to become righteous, complete and happy adults. We fail several times in our missions and, most of the time, things don't go exactly as we "planned". Despite this, the important thing is to have the humility to admit that we do not have the power to do so.

    Mom is good, but lasts a long time!

    Being a mother is a daily learning exercise that, contrary to popular belief, can happen with the roles changed: today, I learn more from my daughters than I can teach them. I learn that love is mine, but life is theirs. That the plans are mine, but that the desires and accomplishments are theirs. That what seems most suitable for me may be the furthest from what is right for them. And so we go, mothers and daughters learning together to become more complete beings.

    When I say that mothers last a long time, I'm talking about how much our attitudes, words and the way we put ourselves in front of our children can reach and remain in their soul and essence. How many beliefs we mothers don't transmit without realizing that they can be very heavy for them.

    Each interprets each of them in their own way. Each will have an impact on their lives. Each one will trigger a different attitude towards our “teachings”. I carry several of these beliefs to this day and have been trying to learn how to free myself from them. Others, positive as they are, helped me pass on values ​​such as respect and ethics.

     Truths do not exist. With my daughters I have learned to grow up, see myself and others differently in the mirror.

    And you know what? It's much better to admit that I don't hold any truth, accepting the path that each one chooses is liberating. As much as it hurts to accept, we need to trust and believe that the energy we put (and don't spend!!!) on "educating" has great value when we realize that our children are making their own choices.

    And, even though I know that this “mother figure” will live forever, whether through good times or bad, I am very proud to be a mother!

    You may also like another article by this author. Access: Broken Woman

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