I met Amit Goswami!

Easter Holiday 2019, and there I was, face to face with Amit Gosvami, renowned Phd in nuclear physics, reference in quantum mechanics who participated in the movie "Quem Somos NĂłs", which I watched a few times, author of several books that I studied so much in the most diverse approaches and techniques of several other authors and therapists, in a incredible immersion in spirituality and quantum physics.

Amit is a simple, sweet man, with love in his eyes, who speaks up close, with sweetness, joy, enthusiasm and, at the same time, tranquility.

I met Amit Goswami!

How incredible it was to be there, close to such an important figure in this quantum world, where science explains God and the creation of reality by talking about love and meditation.

Wow! That charming man was the author of the first quantum mechanics book I ever read, “The Self-Aware Universe”, a book that was a bit difficult to read for me at the time, had been written by that loving man, who was there, talking about love and energies. I loved meeting you.

Many themes were addressed: God, death, meaning of life, intelligence, duality between materialism and spirituality and their similarities in the inability to give satisfactory meaning to life.

Conditioning and beliefs that do not fill the existential void of an ignored soul. A void that cannot be filled or divided into 12 installments on the credit card for everything we buy non-stop.

I met Amit Goswami!

According to Amit, we are the ones who choose our worldview; what resonates, or not, with us as a way of understanding the world. Human beings function by reason, not logic.

We need learn to respond to each stimulus appropriately with the expansion of consciousness and not automatically following all the conditioning that the society where we were raised imposes on us.

When we're unhappy, we need to ask ourselves what's going on and not just fool ourselves by buying, spending, and drinking to fill a void that none of this will fill.

While talking about shopping and other addictions, including cell phone use, he made a comment that drew nervous laughter from the audience, that women love to buy shoes when they are upset because the pressure on their feet makes their sexual organs aroused and a woman feels sexier, more attractive, and thus feels good about you!

Psychoanalysis has a slightly different version, but an immediate identification took place there.

I met Amit Goswami!

The conversation turned to the topic of manipulation, and, as most of the time, we are inserted in a deterministic world, where we end up not having choices, we are taken. At this point, he raised the cell phone as a modern vehicle for alienation, for the excess of information and consideration that we give the opinion of famous, popular people and how we are guided and manipulated by these opinions that, in fact, may not be important to our soul. We end up finding meaning in our lives based on the opinions of others. Sad, because we get frustrated for not being what we would never really be.

He then began to explain that the Quantum Activist is one who practices Quantum Activism and his main question is: what is the meaning of my life?

Gosh, what is the most common question asked by those who are in the process of Awakening… And what is the answer?

He talked about living under two Belief Systems: Materialist x Spiritualist, and in both, everything is always determined, obviously not by us, who have no option of choice…

In the materialist view, the world is already determined by science, Einstein, Darwin, and the elite commands and enforces it. What we feel is of no importance and, therefore, living under this paradigm, we can only choose our preferred manipulator, whether Good or Evil.

I met Amit Goswami!

In the spiritualist/religious view, everything is equally determined, but here it is God who determines everything, and everyone expects to receive favors from Him and await the afterlife to be finally happy.

In the Quantum world view, the great evil is to suppress another person's freedom of choice.

Here the rule is to listen to our heart and act on our own intuition and insights.

In the world of the quantum activist, the meaning of our own lives does not come from conditioning; in him we ourselves seek him and he is individual.

This means make our own choices and find our right way of living. That's happiness.

In this beautiful world, Happiness comes from the next stage of Pleasure, which is the ego's desire, always based on the social conditioning of what we need to be and have.

I met Amit Goswami!

The quantum activist has choices and, despite living in the ego, which is full of conditioning and determinism and makes us react according to what we have been taught, we are free to say no. We do not succumb to ego desires.

We know how to say no to him.

That was awesome for me! The middle way is a personal quest; and hearing from him that we do live in the ego, that he is useful and necessary for existence, but we are not obliged to obey him, goes against the philosophy of Yoga, which I love. We don't need to kill the ego, but live harmoniously with it, without struggles, quarrels or confusion, aware that it is an employee of the Higher Self; and, by the way, he can be a wonderful employee because he's so well equipped. The ego needs to expand, because it is with it that we create, it is not our enemy.

The ego has the power to say no to every negative emotion, to too much pleasure, to too much information. We have the option to be servants of the ego. Hey!

The conditioning of the human being in the materialist paradigm replaced the BE with the HAVE, and favors the culture of centering on ME, which became an object to HAVE instead of BE, while in the quantum view we focus on BEING.

I met Amit Goswami!

We need to expand consciousness, and for that we need to say no to certain tendencies of domination.

The only healthy way to influence someone should be by example and never by force or power, as has been done for a long time.

He suggested some daily affirmations for a new life proposal for those who feel the call to leave the materialistic paradigm and become a quantum activist:

  • I manifest my potentials.
  • I live without confusion.

Likewise, Gandhi said, “Be the change you want in the world.”

I met Amit Goswami!

The answer to the above question of “what is the meaning of my life”, has as an answer: learning to be ourselves, free from conditioning, free from the slavery of giving in to ego desires and, thus, manifesting the Flow State , where intention has power and the unconditioned unconscious creates reality, hence the need for consciousness expansion.

Following the Flow of Life, things happen by themselves.

Co-creation takes place between the ego and the One Consciousness.

The text would be too long to tell everything that was lived there.

I know that there are online courses that are incredible tools because they facilitate access to information, but being there, in that egrégora of affines, with him, there, in the physical body, in person, working energies, was simply sensational! A wonderful experience that I certainly intend to repeat.

I already had my convictions, but I left there even more determined to let go of this reality that charges guilt, pain and judgment, and choose the courage to leave the conditioning, asserting my conscience, which creates all the best for me and for the all.

I researched to bring the tip of one-day face-to-face events with him that Quantum Academy is promoting.

No, it's not advertising and I'm not earning anything from it, it's just a tip for those who feel like meeting in person this simple man, wearing a hat, who eats at the table with us, cleans the dishes and walks through the gardens, but is a reference world in studies in reconciling science and conscience.

Our proposal here on the site is to share knowledge and good things.

Tour Amit Goswami


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