Whose happiness is it?


    Thinking here that every time we put our happiness in the hands of someone else, a job, a perfect body, we are leaving our happiness in the custody and care of others, right?

    It so happens that, like us, everything is energy, everything is free and it may want to leave, through our participation or not. Sometimes a cycle just ends and that's all right, but in this case, does our happiness go with it?

    Hmmmm ... thinking ...

    Who is to blame for not loving ourselves, not knowing how to take care of ourselves, not seeking our own love, well-being and peace? I answer myself: no one.

    Depending on something external to be happy is the biggest steal of all. It's not people who let us down. We are the ones who create expectations about them and expect them to meet our needs.

    Whose happiness is it?

    And let's agree that this obligation to make us happy is a very big weight for the other. And for us too. Being responsible for someone's happiness is a heavy load! Do I have to make so-and-so happy? Does anyone have an obligation to make me happy? It ends badly. Weigh.

    I've thought so too. Today no more.

    I know that everyone knows what makes us happy, and it is already too great and noble a task to manage to find our own happiness. What works, and is very gratifying, is being happy for ourselves, doing nice things that we're proud of and feeling warm in our hearts. Being useful, loving without expecting exchange, peace of mind through connection with the whole and being surrendered to the flow of existence, that ends well.

    It requires work, yes, because it is a paradigm shift from that search for half the orange, the slipper foot and the lid of the pot, but it is liberating. Being happy, regardless of what is illusory and therefore can end at any moment, is the key to everything!

    Today my happiness belongs to me and I can share it with whoever I want, with no demands and no squeamishness. Or I can be very well cuddled with her alone too!

    We are free! Hey!

    With love,

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