Is it orgasm that speaks?

There is so much mystery and fascination surrounding this phenomenon that there is a lot to address. Here, of course, I'm going to talk about what I know and what I have domain and property as a woman, that is, everything that involves female orgasm.

When I say “everything that involves”, I mean that achieving maximum pleasure in a sexual relationship goes far beyond sex itself. There is so much involved that it is perfectly understandable, albeit sad, that more than a third of Spanish women have never “arrived”!

In one of the definitions for orgasm that I found in the dictionary is effervescence of feelings and uncontrollable excitement of the spirit. This means that we must be totally surrendered to the moment, without neurosis, judgments, prejudices, fears and traumas. And I can guarantee that this task is one of the most arduous that we women face. Men usually manage to separate these things very well, but we almost always take our parents, friends, ex boyfriends to bed, self-image, insecurity from other relationships and sabotage ourselves with those zillions of things that insist on inhabiting our mind at the moment. gender, for example: “Gee, my parents would kill me if they found out about this.”, "But my friends think he's ugly.", “I needed to lose five kilos, what will he think of my belly?”, "I can't fall in love." e "What will he think if I let him do this?"

These are just a few questions that manage to freak out in a few minutes and end it all. As one of the relationship coaches I adore, Arly Cravo, would say, it's an energetic hustle!

But okay, I can see you from here nodding your head up and down agreeing with me, and maybe frowning, wondering what to do to resolve this situation.

Is it orgasm that speaks?
Samantha Garrote / Pexels

There is no cake recipe. I'm going to tell you what has worked for me, that maybe works for you too or can serve as a basis for your own adaptations and discoveries.

For many years I was insecure with my body and I confess that it held me back a lot. But over time, after getting frustrated in some relationships and starting the path of self-knowledge, I discovered something about myself that nourishes me daily and strengthens me, I am unique in the universe and that is magical and wonderful.

Believe me, after we become aware of this, the dark clouds are dissipating and we are able to flow in many areas of our life, including sex.

Is it orgasm that speaks?
cottonbro / Pexels

I learned to recognize and like every little bit of my body, of course if I'm bothered by something (usually it's weight related), I take steps to change the scenario, but I don't let it get to me. I don't allow the neras to take over.

Think about it with me, the guy could be with anyone in the world, after all, there are more than 7 billion people there, and where is he? In bed with you! And if he's there, you can be sure he's attracted to you and it won't be a love handle, stretch marks, cellulite, disheveled hair that will change that. So my love, let go and play!

As for that other question I mentioned: “What will he think of me if I let him do such a thing?”. Man, he'll think what he wants to think! You have to do what you feel like and don't make you feel disrespected. Want to get laid on the first night? fuck Do not want? Don't fuck. Want to do X, Y, Z position? Knife. Be allowed! And if this guy judges you for that, he's not fit to be next to the big woman that is you.

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What I mean at the end of the day is that reaching sexual orgasm, as I see it, is a reflection of how you've been living your life. If you feel full, happy, owner of your own story, with the reins of bad situations, you are certainly living many moments of pure lust and multiple orgasms.

If you are part of that one third or have even lived this incredible experience, only in a somewhat distant past, I invite you to look inside, seek to know yourself or recognize yourself. From the moment you manage to identify what is not going well and start to devise strategies to get around the situation, you realize that it becomes easier to surrender fully to that delicious moment that is sex. Be it for two, three, just you and / or whoever you want!

I wish that today you enjoy life like you never did before!


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