rowing rower

    Today I thought a lot about the will of God in my life and my own will. It's easy to make enlightened, positive choices when our will is the same as His. The universe conspires and everything is light.

    But we are human and we often desire things that have nothing to do with divine plans. And as much as we are aware that the plans of Light are perfect and bigger than ours, we often try to close our eyes, ears and mind to the voice of the Spirit so we don't have to make choices that bring us pain or discomfort.

    rowing rowerUsually giving up some habits, situations, feelings or even people brings so much fear or suffering that we choose to stay there. The most interesting thing is that we always know when we are on the right path or not. Because the voice of conscience is the voice of God!

    So believe in miracles. But know that they will only happen in your life when you make the choice to row in a straight line. May we row forward and not in circles. Running around your own tail is really tiring.

    Salmo 143: 10

    β€œTeach me to do your will, for you are my God”

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