The hero awakens the unconscious

Mars enters Pisces (from 15/11/18 to 31/12/18)

On November 2018, XNUMX, the Mars Consciousness enters the sign of Pisces and says goodbye to Aquarians, who were challenged to overcome themselves through the will and courageous decisions that put the projects in the spotlight.

The turn is now for the Pisceans who must take up the sword and take to the battlefield to conquer the emotions that have not yet been named. To understand what will be manifested, emotional skills and interaction with past feelings are needed that can camouflage the real feelings that frighten us.

The hero awakens the unconscious

The warrior decides to rest in a calm field, however, when he lies down on a tree, the sky darkens and he is taken to meet Neptune, who pulls him to the bottom of the ocean. Mars is taken by surprise, doesn't quite understand the meaning of it all. He is invited to sit down and enjoy a feast that has been prepared especially for him. Mars feels a little cornered and intimidated, but sees no way out other than to sit down and accept the gift. A movie passes through your mind...

The mind that creates everything makes you reflect and feel strange sensations. He is taken to his unconscious state, the place conducive to revelations that are dormant, a place he hasn't had access to for a long time. But your journey has just begun and will remain so until the thirty-first of December two thousand and eighteen. He notices that now, at the bottom of the ocean, he doesn't have the same agility to handle his sword and shield. And what remains is to wait and interact with the past and with the sensations that must be coded and overcome by your ego.

The hero awakens the unconscious

Zeus (Jupiter), responsible for wisdom and good judgment, nothing can act at the bottom of the ocean, but casts its ray to warn that everyone on Olympus already knows what happened. Justice and ethics must prevail, but they find it difficult to act in a kingdom that has no voice. For this fact, Sagittarius are watching facts that are difficult to understand and need to overcome fears, prejudices and everything that prevents growth and evolution.

These are challenging days to interact with feelings. Many things and situations will be revealed. Let us be open to interacting with the unconscious and everything that has been camouflaged.

Only wisdom together with spirituality are able to overcome the invisible layer created by Neptune. 

The hero awakens the unconscious

For those seeking spirituality:

You who are in search of self-knowledge will be led to make decisions, but first you will have to walk an internal battle between the truth and the lie. Excellent opportunity to overcome low and confused desires within us that prevent our progress and the finding of light. Diving into the ocean of wisdom is for those who wish to walk the path of truth and justice.

In the period between November XNUMXth and December XNUMXst, we will be in the process of healing and facing the past. It gets stronger for Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini.

The warrior goes through an internal battle, in which the truth is his shield.

You may also like another article by this author. Access: Astrological chart as a powerful tool for self-knowledge

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