Astrological New Year 2019 – Ruler of the Year: Mars

β€œTruly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. I also say to you that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 18:18, 19)

The bible shows us that the frequency of the sky responds to the frequency of planet Earth. So this year 2019 will be governed by the frequency of Mars, what does this all mean?

Our Astrological Chart is the photo of the sky at our birth moment, our selfie of when we came to this new journey in this life.

The map divides our life into twelve departments, and this year there are departments that are in evidence.

Astrological New Year 2019 – Ruler of the Year: Mars

I'll make an analogy:

When we go to school, before the first day of school, we prepare, right? We register, buy material, see who our teachers will be, what subjects we will study…

This is the Astrological New Year. We look at the stars and the Macrocosm in the sky and bring the Microcosm to our map.

This year will be a year of Mars, what does that mean?

Now we need information about this teacher. Mars rules beginnings, our courage and our aggressiveness. Then it will be the year to work the areas of our chart where the department of Aries is, because this sign is the ruler of the department.

As if Aries were the physical education teacher and Mars was the way classes will be taught. So if, for example, we have Mars in the routine department (house 6), it will be a year to look at our daily lives, to do physical exercises, to take action, to pay attention to our anger and, depending on who teaches in that department, I will know What lesson do I need to learn in this year 2019.

Studying astrology is understanding the dynamics of everything that happens to us, which learning we are able to look at and which we still need new evidence or more study.

The slowest planets (who stay longer at home) bring us the learning of that year. Jupiter, the teacher that expands us, makes us grow, is currently in Sagittarius. Then we will look at our map again to see which department Sagittarius is in. If, for example, it is in the 7th house (marriage or partnership), there is an expansion point for this department. Harnessing this energy is connecting with the blessings of heaven.

Saturn is in Capricorn, along with Pluto, which means it's a year of planning.

For example, in house 8 (the other's money, sex and what should I let go/transformation) the audit of these themes is being carried out. So let's clean up the house! How am I dealing with sex in my life? Or, how do I behave with money that is not mine? What should I let go, since I've already seized it and I'm still holding on? These are great questions that life is asking me and the sooner I look at it, the less suffering I will have.

Pluto (Scorpio ruler) tells me what I was guarding and what will come to the surface like an erupting volcano. What do I need to put in a new order?

Uranus is entering Taurus right now, so where is Taurus on my chart? In which department? If it's in the 11th house, for example, what are my new projects? What are the friends I should let go, because they've already brought all the learning I needed?

And Neptune in Pisces, what is my philosophical learning?

Where am I confused and lost? Where do I need to connect to Something Bigger?

With this school year starting, we have high expectations about how things will turn out. Looking at reality and taking responsibility for our choices, whether studying or analyzing our astrological chart, will surely make us more successful in this new year that begins on 20/03/2019.

Text written by Paola Mingardo

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