Astral Map as a tool for self-knowledge: Planetary Aspects

Astrology is a way of learning more about yourself that allows us to understand the relationship between who we are and the universe. From when we were born, the stars, the Moon and the planets act on us in different ways. They define our personalities, our attitudes and even our feelings.

To access all this content, you just need to find out what your Astral Map is. This can be done both on reliable websites, on the internet, and with professional astrologers, who will even analyze each information on your Chart. To perform it, you must know some information about your birth, such as: date, place and time.

If you already have your Astral Map in hand and you can't understand what each part of it means, don't worry! As there are many points to be analyzed, this process can be a little difficult without the right source of information. Fortunately, we help you to develop your self-awareness.

Astral Map as a tool for self-knowledge: Planetary Aspects
olegdudko / 123RF

Next, with our series on Astrology and self-knowledge, learn what the planetary aspects represent in your birth chart, that is, how you will look at each experience that happens in your life (with harmony or disharmony). To continue your learning, at the end of the article click on other contents about the Astral Map and discover every secret that the universe has to say about you.

harmonic aspects

These are favored aspects that contribute to the fluidity of experiences and the manifestation of a potential that we have already brought well elaborated. After all, the lack of awareness of experiences and their potential can block their harmonic aspects.

  • Discover what the Moon represents in your Astrological Chart
  • Understand what the planets mean in your birth chart
  • Astral map as a self-knowledge tool: SUN and MOON

disharmonious aspects

These are challenging aspects that require a greater effort to achieve the experience. They are usually potentials that need to be polished. Beating a challenging aspect isn't impossible and doesn't qualify as a very high difficulty level. It is we ourselves who put ourselves in a posture of β€œI will never make it” or of β€œI feel that it is not for me”. It all depends on our intention and our consciousness. Also the planets involved can give a plus in the difficulty variation. It is important to understand that the challenging aspects are not sentences of failure, but direct this energy towards a potential that needs to be polished.

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