Know who is Lilith in Astrology

Characterized in various ways by different religions, Lilith is the representation of the independent, strong woman who does not admit submission. In mythology, Lilith can present herself with different names in different cultures. She is linked to the birth chart and, for not accepting submission, she was expelled from Paradise, where she lived with Adam, because, according to some legends, she was the first woman created from the same dust as Adam. Eva would have been the second woman, created after Lilith's expulsion.

Its shape is linked to darkness and temptation, giving a diabolical air to the female figure. In the birth chart, it manifests as a dark energy and reveals your most hidden desires in love and sex. Lilith can appear in zodiacal and astrological houses β€” and in each location she will have a distinct meaning. Mother of demons, she represents chaos and the deepest desires of the feminine.

The myth of Lilith

After her exile from paradise, Lilith was sent to the depths of the seas, where demons lived. There, she had sexual relations with them and sought to satisfy all their most hidden desires. That's why when Lilith appears in the birth chart, she is related to a person's sexual compulsion, obsessions and perversions. Lilith, for not being submissive to men, especially at a time when women could not have a voice, has the devilish representation and temptations.

Lilith in Religion

As I mentioned earlier, Lilith would have been the first woman, but for not accepting the rules imposed, much less being below the man in sex, she was expelled from paradise. God sent three angels to bring Lilith back to the Garden of Eden, but to no avail, as Lilith refused.

Know who is Lilith in Astrology
John Collier, Public domain / Wikimedia Commons / Canva / Me Without Borders

The angels cast a spell on her, turning her into the mother of demons. To make amends, God created Eve from Adam's rib, representing submission. When Lilith found out, she was furious and returned to paradise to exact revenge. It is said that she turned into the serpent that seduced Eve to eat the apple, which caused Adam and Eve to be cast out.

Lilith na Astrologia

Known in astrology as the Black Moon, it is represented by the image of the Moon with a cross underneath. It is of great importance for us to understand what this influence can cause in our darkest sensations, emotions and feelings. Even though it is a point of the birth chart not very well known, it is important for understanding the influence it represents in each house. In the birth chart, Lilith - or Black Moon - usually represents a negative energy, which reveals dark feelings and even things that are missing in that person's life.

In Vedic astrology, Lilith is known as Rudrani, a goddess who prized her freedom. The female version of Rudra had very high power. This unimaginable force could only be controlled when she had sex and assumed the position of control, that is, over her husband.

Rudra was a hermaphrodite god, who had violent and perverse traits. Brahma, the god of creation, including the creator of all gods, determined that Rudra would be born a new version, a feminine side. This is how there was the separation of man and woman. From this ease, an even more perverse being was born: Rudrani.

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Lilith, Venus and the Moon represent the feminine side of all people in the world. It helps to understand everything that comes up when someone is in a relationship. It shows what is hidden inside, the frustrations, the wills repressed for fear of what the other may think and the darkest sexual desires.

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