Feng Shui Tips to Study Better

For those who still don't know, Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that works with the harmonization of spaces and relates the influence of environments with our well-being. This philosophy can be applied to help when studying at home.

Below are some tips that can benefit you when studying:

Study table

Feng Shui Tips to Study Better
freddie marriage / Unsplash

To prevent you from getting too much energy and to focus better on the activity you are doing, the study table should not be aligned with the door. In addition, it is not recommended to study facing the wall.

body positioning

Feng Shui Tips to Study Better
Kyle Gregory Devaras / Unsplash

So that you don't disperse all the time and have full control of everything that is happening around you, avoid studying with your back to the door. If this is not possible, you can use a mirror so you can see the entrance and exit of the room.


Feng Shui Tips to Study Better
RAMSHA ASAD / Unsplash

Lighting is an important point, as too much can cause irritation. If the environment has little light you can be discouraged. So, whether by natural or artificial light, the lighting must be well balanced.


Feng Shui Tips to Study Better
Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

The choice of location is extremely important and directly interferes with your concentration. Opt for quiet places without the circulation of people, to avoid getting distracted. If you like to study listening to music, some songs are specific to help with concentration. Just do a search on the internet and you will soon come up with numerous suggestions.


Feng Shui Tips to Study Better
Jexo / Unsplash

If you have to choose a color, our suggestion is yellow, which helps with concentration and activates thinking. This doesn't mean you should paint a wall or buy colorful furniture, a simple yellow object on the study table can help you.

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Feng Shui Tips to Study Better
javier trueba / Unsplash

Focusing and being motivated are important points to achieve success. If you need some stimulation, put a picture of somewhere you want to travel or something you want to buy within easy reach of your eyes, to help you not weaken in the most difficult times.


Feng Shui Tips to Study Better
Andrew Neel / Unsplash

Having everything within reach and well organized is important during study hours. Feng Shui divides the study table into 8 categories:

  • Prosperity Area: associated with money. Place objects related to the paths to conquer it. Opt for purple or crystals.
  • Success Area: use objects that represent achievements, such as trophies, medals. Opt for the color red.
  • Relationships Area: not only love objects can be kept but also those that refer to professional relationships, such as diaries, cards, etc. Opt for pink and objects in pairs.
  • Creativity Area: prefer metal objects such as pencils and pens. Opt for white color.
  • Travel and Friendship Area: you can add photos of friends and trips. Opt for the gray color.
  • Career Area: leave objects of continuous use such as keyboard, notebooks, etc.
  • Wisdom Area: the reference materials should be like books and, if you have a belief, use something that represents it. Opt for objects in blue or glass.
  • Family Area: will serve to remind you of how you got to where you are now. Opt for green objects.  
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