Sagittarius Zodiac Stones

If you are a person aligned with mystical and esoteric themes, you must know crystallomancy. If you don't know, crystallomancy studies the power of stones and crystals on our energies. Did you know that each zodiac sign gets along better with certain stones? We have prepared this article to introduce you to which Sagittarius sign stone is!

So, if you believe in birthstones, get ready to unveil this mystical knowledge that will make a difference in your self-knowledge process and will respect the personality traits brought by your astrological sign. Check out which stones work in favor of Sagittarius!

Which stones are in the sign of Sagittarius?

In summary, all signs relate most strongly to a specific stone, but there are other stones that can strengthen certain characteristics of their natives. Discover the most suitable stones for Sagittarians and learn how to use, clean and energize these crystals!

Sodality (pedra principal)

Sagittarius Zodiac Stones
Tuned_In de Getty Images / Canva

The main benefits of this beautiful blue crystal are in stimulating logical thinking and improving concentration. It is known as the stone of the mind, so it has everything to do with the dynamism of the Sagittarius native, who is always looking for balance and lightness in life.

In addition, this stone helps to promote a harmonious connection between rationality and intuition, so it is a great ally for those who wish to promote balance above all else. In addition, this stone helps to promote serenity, something that agitated Sagittarians often lack.

β€’ How to use: the stone itself as an amulet, necklaces and pendants, bracelet, tree of happiness, japamala.
β€’ How to clean: do not use water, because, as it is formed by sodium, it can end up melting. Clean only with a dry cloth.
β€’ How to energize: after cleansing, energize next to a stone called selenite.
β€’ Where to buy: WeMystic

Lapis lazuli (auxiliary stone)

Sagittarius Zodiac Stones
onlyfabrizio / Canva

The main benefit of lapis lazuli is to lift the mood of the person who is seeking the stone's help. No matter what the reason for the discouragement and lack of motivation, just get in touch with this crystal and everything will improve internally, you can be sure of that.

Sagittarians are very good-natured and need lightness and harmony in their routines. However, life does not always allow for so much positivity, and they feel very uncomfortable when they fall into negativity. Therefore, this stone can help them regain some of their characteristic good mood.

β€’ How to use: the stone itself as an amulet, necklaces and pendants, bracelets, earrings and other jewelry.
β€’ How to clean: cleaning can be done with water and coarse salt, letting the stone rest for approximately 15 minutes in this solution, then drying well.
β€’ How to energize: the best method of energizing is a moon bath.
β€’ Where to buy: WeMystic

Sapphire (additional stone)

Sagittarius Zodiac Stones
avagyanleon de Getty Images / Canva

For many years, the stone that is now called lapis lazuli was confused with sapphire, which is a more polished version of this mineral. In summary, sapphire is also a stone that stimulates our more rational, more down-to-earth side, balancing this side with our intuition and more sentimental personality.

Therefore, sapphire helps us especially in times or situations when we need to make difficult decisions. So, saving it for these situations is a good choice. In addition, Hindus believe that this stone activates the sixth chakra, called the third eye, related to our intuition and good choices.

β€’ How to use: the stone itself as an amulet and also as a jewel, as it is very beautiful.
β€’ How to clean: cleaning can be done using ultrasound, boiling or vibration methods because it is a great conductor of energy.
β€’ How to energize: leave the stone exposed to early morning sunlight and late afternoon moonlight for at least 4 hours.
β€’ Where to buy: earth gems

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These are the 3 main stones that can help the natives of the Sagittarius sign, mainly stimulating the balance between the rational side and the intuitive side, as well as bringing lightness and harmony to their routines. Put the stones and crystals in your daily life and notice the improvement they will bring you!

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