Astrology for self-knowledge

By Anne Moon. Sao Paulo, August 15, 2020

A great tool for self-knowledge and to give us more or less guidance on what we have to do, where we have to improve in certain areas of our life, how we have to move forward.

When you talk about astrology, you only think about the sun sign, which sign matches mine, what are the tips for the horoscope of the week, and there are people who think it's all bullshit, that astrology is just charlatanism, pseudoscience, but there is a whole knowledge behind it. I myself didn't believe in these astrology things, until I started a course on the subject and started to understand a lot, and this was very important for my self-knowledge process and to this day I use it as a tool for me to have a direction, make decisions better, both in my personal life and in my professional life.

Astrology for self-knowledge
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As I was saying at the beginning of this article, astrology is not what we usually see in magazines or on websites out there: “Pisces sign is such a way”, “Aries sign is such a way”, and many do not identify with some descriptions of their respective signs or with such indications that the horoscope does and really have “astrologers” who do not take this work seriously.

I wrote this article to break some of the prejudices I had with astrology, until I took classes with Aline Elizângela Schulz, a very renowned writer and astrologer. Yes, I had prejudices with astrology, but I thought it was cool just for fun, but studying about it I realize the importance of this science, yes, there are deep studies on astrology.

She comes to show us that no birth is accidental. With astrological knowledge, we can have a direction and even do a kind of "retrospective" in our life to analyze the path we have taken so far so that we can deal with personal issues and heal ourselves, whether from traumas, fears, blocks, beliefs that limit us, repetitive family patterns, or relationships in general.

Did you realize how deep this science is?

Astrology for self-knowledge
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Calm down, there's still a lot to talk about, it's a very extensive content, but very interesting to learn. I don't know about you, but this science is very important for my self-knowledge and as I always talk about self-development, evolution, I found it very necessary to talk about it.

Let's start talking about where the word zodiac comes from. The word zodiac comes from the Greek, “circle of animals”, “path of life”. Horoscope means “study of the moment”, referring to the astrological chart, which is raised for an event or birth.

Astrology is the science that unveils knowledge through symbolic analysis in an astral map, a set of signs that makes it possible to rescue the transcendent meaning of our human life. The goal is to know, understand and accept yourself as a whole and adjust life to a path of personal and spiritual evolution.

Astrology says that the sky has 360 degrees, as the astrological mandala above is showing. The sky is divided into 12 astrological houses, each separated by 30 degrees. Each astrological house is represented by those signs that we already know: Aries (1st house - 0°), Taurus (2nd house - 30°), Gemini (3rd house - 60°), Cancer (4th house - 90°), Leo ( 5th house - 120°), Virgo (6th house - 150°), Libra (7th house - 180°), Scorpio (8th house - 210°), Sagittarius (9th house - 240°), Capricorn (10th house - 270°) ), Aquarius (11th house – 300°) and Pisces (12th house – 330°).
Remembering that this is just the standard representation of the astrological mandala, which originally represents each astrological house, and may vary for some people.

What is sun sign?

It is the sign that marks our birth. When we are born, we fit into a period. When we are born, the sun rises over the horizon. This movement of the Earth, exactly as the mandala shows, marks the zodiacal sign in a certain astrological house, which will be represented by a certain sign. This determines our way of thinking.

Astrology for self-knowledge
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What is rising sign?

When we are born, a sign is rising in the sky along with the sun sign. This sign governs our style, our reactions to the external world, physical body and behavior. In short: the rising sign represents the way we express ourselves, how the people around us see us.

What is moon sign?

The Moon represents our habits, emotional reactions, how I feel and relate to other people. In short, the way our emotional works.

These three points, sun sign, rising sign and moon sign, are the most important and decisive that rule us, so we are ruled by at least three signs.

Astrology for self-knowledge
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Depending on how the Earth moves, we have more than one astrological influence. That is, we can be influenced by more than one sign, such as our sun, rising or moon sign.

Hence this feeling that your sun sign does not fully describe you, because we are not just our sun sign. We are influenced by all these zodiac signs, they can be small influences or big influences. Of course, the sun sign, the moon sign and the rising sign will influence more in our life, and with the celestial movement we can have another sign influencing us, whether in the sun, moon, or rising sign, or even all three.

Yes, we can have more than one sun sign, more than one rising sign, or more than one moon sign. I, for example, have two moon signs, because on my map it is marking a sign that would be my Moon, but due to the movement it touched another sign.

I discovered this when I read my map. Anyone who has studied astrology with serious astrologers will know what I'm talking about, how this movement issue works. There is a math that is done to define the signs that will influence a certain astrological house. But this article is not for me to teach you how to read astral map, I just want to show you how this science is and its significance in your self-knowledge.

Now, let's talk about the meaning of each astrological house!

First, astrological houses are fields of action for signs and planets. They manifest, materialize, materialize cosmic influences. The beginning of each astrological house is called the cusp, or house tip.

Astrology for self-knowledge
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There are four special houses, 1, 4, 7 and 10. The 1st house talks about the ascendant (always on the left in the middle of the mandala). The 4th house is the bottom of the sky. The 7th house speaks of marriage, which is descending and ascending, the junction between the two. It's like the Ascendant shows who you express to people when you are in the light and the Descendant shows who you express to people when you are in the shadow.

Home 1: Who commands this astrological house is the sign of Aries, linked to the planet Mars. This house is called Ascendant. This house shows how people see us, how they see us, how we act. The “I”, personality, temperament, way of being, inclinations, tendencies, aptitudes, vitality, disposition, physical constitution, body, appearance.

Home 2: Concrete achievements; finance; money earned from work; profit and loss; material goods; acquisitions.

Home 3: Concrete mind; formation of the intellect; basic education, communication.

Home 4: Family of origin; home; roots; country; homeland; links; memories and the unconscious.

Astrology for self-knowledge
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Home 5: Sons; creativity; creation and procreation; artistic efforts; children's education; students; disciples; love affairs; Affairs; sensuality; recreation; sports; games; speculations; initiative and pleasures.

Home 6: Health; ability to serve and work; employment and employees; food; hygiene and diets.

Home 7: appointments; the other; marriage and the spouse; partners and associations; declared rivals and enemies; competitors, sentimental relationships with seriousness and responsibility.

Home 8: Death as transformation; state of mind evolution; freedom from passions; sexual instinct; transmutation ability; regeneration; legacies.

Home 9: Abstract mind; high studies; college education; law; order; cultural interests; philosophy; religion; ideals; moral.

Home 10:
Destiny; public and social mission; profession; career; ambitions; authority; public life; social standing; distinctions; honor; popularity; prestige; fame; role to play.

Home 11: Friends; protectors; companions; those who love us well; masters; opportunities; altruism; social life; planning and hope.

Home 12: Self-sacrifice; isolation; hidden enemies; conspiracies; intimate secrets; intimate makeover; universal love.

Solar system

Astrology for self-knowledge
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The Sun speaks about our personality. Uranus talks about the position we are in, which privileges constant renewal. The Moon is about our deep emotions and marks the areas where we show ourselves within. Mercury is the planet of communication, where our intelligence is in evidence. Venus is sensitivity, it indicates the area in which we act with delicacy. Neptune is the initial impulse to seek comfort, serenity. Mars is strength and energy, a sector in which we act with courage. Jupiter is wisdom, the sector in which we act with more reason. Saturn indicates the area where we have to bend this attention. Pluto indicates the area in which we demonstrate the greatest capacity for renewal.

The Sun is vitality, personality, rules the sign of Leo. The Moon is about how we relate to others, emotion, rules the sign of Cancer. Mercury is about physical and mental communication, it rules the signs of Virgo and Gemini. Venus is about values, pleasure, rules the signs of Libra and Taurus. Mars is about initiative and energy, it rules the sign of Aries. Jupiter is about expansion, rules the sign of Sagittarius. Saturn is about limitation, it rules the sign of Capricorn. Uranus is about the unusual, rules the sign of Aquarius. Neptune is about playfulness and intuition, it rules the sign of Pisces. Pluto is transformation, rules the sign of Scorpio.

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These planets are going to talk about how we live our lives in these different areas, there are messages in each astrological house, there is a lot about astrology that is not relevant right now, but I recommend that you study it. I came to present this wonderful tool of self-knowledge to bring this content to your lives.

Remember, don't blame astrology for your decisions, this is not destiny, it's advice. We are not just our signs, we have our temperament and our baggage, which we carry throughout life.

Thank you for reading!

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