Moon in Virgo β€” Understand Her Influence on You!

Obsessed with success, achievements and accomplishments. So are Virgos, that is, those who have the Sun in Virgo, this sign ruled by the planet Mercury and the Earth element. But have you ever seen a birth chart? If you've never seen it, know that the Sun is responsible for determining the most general traits of who we are, but it's the planets and other stars, like the Moon, that indicate the specifics of our personality.

According to astrology, therefore, it is essential that we know our sun sign so that we can understand the personality traits that govern our lives, but only through the knowledge of how each planet and each star influences us can we understand each other. completely. If you found out that you have the Moon in Virgo, find out now what this indicates about you.

To Tears on the Astral Map

Before you even understand the specific meanings of having the Moon in Virgo, you need to understand what the Moon says about your personality, according to astrology. As explained earlier, the Sun is responsible for giving more general indications about who we are, it is as if it determined our outline, but only by discovering which signs influence the other stars and planets in the astrological chart will we be able to discover which are our most specific. The Moon, for example, is the one that defines the way we deal with our emotions and how we emotionally react to everything that happens to us.

In addition, the Moon is a symbol of the feminine and motherhood, so it represents the one who gives life, nourishes, protects and teaches. It therefore indicates the way we deal with our family relationships and with memories of our past, especially childhood memories. Finally, it is a star that reveals how we deal with characteristics such as introspection, self-knowledge and self-love, because it indicates what is deepest in our essence and in our contact with ourselves.

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
Free-Photos / Pixabay

But what does it mean to have the Moon in Virgo? In a nutshell, it indicates that at the exact moment a person was born, the Moon was passing through the sign of Virgo and that, therefore, this is the sign that will determine the way you deal with your emotions, with your childhood memories, with your family relationships and with your deepest essence. In the following topics, understand what characteristics the astrological position of Moon in Virgo brings to someone's personality.

Characteristics of the person with Moon in Virgo

Probably the most defining characteristic of the person with the Moon in Virgo is an almost extreme need to critically analyze their emotions and feelings. This person, therefore, is always wondering why he feels the way he does, so he often goes into states of denial such as, β€œI shouldn’t be feeling what I’m feeling right now,” which can be very detrimental to his well-being. be psychological.

Because of this, he is a person who usually goes through life without making any big decisions, just letting life take him, because he gets so lost in his reflections that he misses the right moment to hit the hammer and decide what he wants. Immediate reactions are not much with this person, who is always too lost in his own reflections.

Moon in Virgo β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
Karolina Grabowska / Pixabay

In the long run, these characteristics can end up causing two negative effects: this person can become hostage to the situations in their life, being unable to make decisions, or they can feel that they have stagnated, because they were not able to make the necessary decisions when the time was right. Thinking enough to know what you're doing and why you're doing what you're doing is important, but thinking too much is never positive and can end up paralyzing you.

The Woman with the Moon in Virgo

The woman with Virgo as a sun sign is extremely critical. When appearing as a sun sign, Virgo brings a very self-critical characteristic, of a person who charges himself too much and ends up losing himself in the midst of his expectations, but, as a moon sign, this sign has a slightly inverse sense in this characteristic, because it indicates a very critical woman externally, with the world, so nothing is ever good, she doesn't feel heard and gets quite uncomfortable when people do the opposite of what she recommended and the results are negative.

This woman is very detailed and has a clinical eye to understand small particularities. Hardly anything escapes her attention and she can see details that no one has access to, because she doesn't have the clinical eye she has. This can be a very positive point, because it can help you when making a decision, but it can be negative, the famous β€œfinding egg hair”.

The man with the Moon in Virgo

Like the woman with the Moon in Virgo, the man with this astrological position is quite detail-oriented, but in a different way. He doesn't have the female clinical eye to pick up minute nuances in people's behavior or in events around him, but he manages to perform all his tasks almost perfectly, because he is always concerned with the smallest details of what he is doing.

As he aims to always be evolving and growing as a human being, the man with the Moon in Virgo takes criticism very well, as long as he feels that the person he criticized is doing the criticism with the aim of seeing him grow, rather than just criticize it gratuitously and empty.

Because they charge themselves a lot and are very detail-oriented, men with this moon sign can end up diminishing themselves and being unable to recognize their qualities, so they are always apologizing before any mistake is even noticed by anyone, which can be very bad for their lives. self esteem.

Personal relationships of those who have Moon in Virgo

The main challenge for the person with the Moon in Virgo is learning to deal with their critical side. Yes, being too self-critical is bad and can create a process of self-sabotage, but worse than being too self-critical is being too critical of the people you love, because you may eventually end up hurting them and pushing them away with yours. endless charges.

Another important challenge is learning to decide things faster. We won't always get all the answers we want before making a decision. Sometimes life demands more spontaneity and impulsiveness, so you have to be open to that possibility, otherwise great opportunities can be missed.

Moon in Virgo β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
Free-Photos / Pixabay

Finally, learning to congratulate yourself is very important for this person, who, because he is a perfectionist, has some difficulty seeing the positive points in what he has done and conquered. Being critical in order to improve is important, but even more important is recognizing the progress made so far.

The challenges of those who have the Moon in Virgo

The biggest challenge in life for those who have Virgo as a moon sign is dealing with their overly critical side. Being too self-critical is bad enough and prevents us from celebrating our own achievements, but being too critical of others is even worse, because it pushes people away from us. Don't use your criteria to evaluate other people.

Another important point, a great challenge, is learning to make decisions with more speed and agility. Thinking and reflecting before making a decision is important, but allowing yourself to paralyze is even more. Remember: everything we decide not to fight automatically becomes our destiny, so if you don't decide on time, life will decide for you.

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These are the main characteristics of people who have the Moon in Virgo. But if you understand a little bit about Astrology, you know that the elements of a birth chart cannot be evaluated individually, so you need to read your chart completely and understand how the stars and planets interact with each other and influence each other.

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