Moon in Aries β€” Understand Her Influence on You!

Strength, impetuosity and impulsiveness are some of the main characteristics of Aries, aren't they? These traits are very evident when Aries, this sign ruled by Mars and which has Fire as an element, is a person's sun sign, but if you understand astrology, you know very well that, in addition to the Sun, other stars and planets influence our birth chart and, consequently, our personality.

According to astrology, while the Sun is responsible for determining the most general characteristics of who we are, it is the planets and other stars, such as the Moon, that determine the specifics of who we are, which is why it is important to read your birth chart. complete, to understand how each star and each planet influence your life. If you've already done and discovered that you have the Moon in Aries, understand what that says about you.

To Tears on the Astral Map

Before understanding the specifics of having the Moon in Aries, you need to understand what the Moon represents about our personality. As mentioned in the introduction, the Sun is responsible for determining the most general traits of our personality, almost as if it were outlining an outline of who we are, but it is the astrological position of planets and stars that β€œfills” this outline with specific characteristics. The Moon, for example, represents the way we deal with our feelings and emotions, as well as how we emotionally react to everything that happens in our lives.

In addition, the Moon is a representation of a feminine and maternal figure, therefore it represents the way in which in relationships with our family members and with the very concept of family, with the memories of the past, especially those of childhood, and, finally, with our deepest essence, that which launches our process of self-knowledge and self-love.

Moon in Aries

But, after all, what does it mean for a person who has the Moon in the sign of Aries in their birth chart? This means, in a nutshell, that at the time this person was born, the Moon was situated in the sign of Aries and that, because of that, this is the sign that will influence the way that person emotionally reacts to everything that happens. what happens in your life, deals with your family and childhood memories and your deepest essence. Understand, below, what characteristics this position of the Moon in Aries puts in someone's personality.

Moon in Aries β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

Characteristics of the person with Moon in Aries

Moon in Aries presupposes people who are quite warlike and combative, but not aggressive towards other people. They are aggressive, yes, but only in their posture to conquer what they want to conquer, so they are practically unstoppable from the moment they set a goal and start chasing it tooth and nail. No wall can stop them; if you try, you will be knocked down promptly.

Another very striking feature in the personality of people with the Moon in Aries is that these people are quite impulsive, so they don't waste much time reflecting more than once on a subject. Once they reach a conclusion that seems minimally acceptable, they hit the hammer and go into action willing to deal with the consequences, whatever they may be.

Moon in Aries β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
Engin Akyurt / Pixabay

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that these people are agile and quick-witted, because impulsiveness can refer to someone who just doesn't think about what they do. That's not the case here, as these people think, yes, they just don't spend so much time analyzing the situation from so many perspectives.

Also, these people are the type to say things "in the can", so they don't have much of a filter. If they think of something worth saying, they'll say it without thinking too much about whether what they have to say will upset the listener or cause any misunderstandings.

Finally, people influenced by the Moon in Aries are quite magnetic, so they naturally attract other people, especially since they are so courageous and charismatic, traits that are often admired by other people. In addition, because of this great magnetism, they are people who have a very strong sexuality.

The woman with the Moon in Aries

The main specific characteristic of the woman with the Moon in Aries is independence. She doesn't accept that anyone wants to tell her what to do and always makes her decisions based solely on her opinion, unless it's up to someone, which can be quite suffocating for her. The woman with this astrological position is great company for herself, so she loves to be alone.

The woman influenced by this astrological position loves to assume leadership roles and positions and feels extremely prepared to deal with situations that require her to take the lead and make the decisions, whether in a relationship, in a group of friends or in the work environment. This is magnified because she is an aggregator woman, who manages to consider the needs of each member of a group.

The man with the Moon in Aries

The characteristic of being fierce in relation to his goals is amplified in the man influenced by the Moon in Aries. He is a person who pursues his goals unstoppably. The downside of this is that if he goes for a while without having a very well defined goal on his horizon, this man can get a little lost and without prospects, which can make him depressed.

When they realize that he is no longer interested in what he is doing, this man has a hard time dragging on a situation, so he is not afraid to end relationships that no longer work, change jobs if he is unhappy, or give up a hobby. that I used to practice for years, but that no longer fits.

Personal relationships of those who have Moon in Aries

Aries as a moon sign represents a person who throws himself into love without even thinking about it. As soon as he sees a possibility of love or falling in love, this person gets very involved and doesn't care if there is a possibility of falling off the horse ahead. She takes the risk and goes, because she knows it's so rare for two people to match that she doesn't want to miss any opportunities when it happens.

These are people who combine concepts like open relationships and free love, because since they are so magnetic and attract so many other people, they may end up wanting to be involved with more than one at the same time. As long as everything is arranged with your partner, there is no problem with that.

Moon in Aries β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
Jan VaΕ‘ek / Pixabay

Being in love is something that is very good for this person, because it changes their mood and gives them motivation to pursue their own goals. Being next to someone, therefore, or simply feeling quite strong for a person is something that person desires with all their heart, so you can end up feeling a little frustrated if you go a long time without falling in love.

The challenges of those who have Moon in Aries

Dealing with the impulsiveness that dictates their behavior is the main challenge for this person, who needs to learn to remember the consequences of their past mistakes before making new decisions without considering the consequences of them. She needs to understand that, at the end of the day, she needs to better protect herself from life's tumbles.

Throwing yourself heart and soul into the things that motivate you, such as a passion or a very important goal, is important and essential for this person, but he needs to not forget about the rest of his life, like calling only his partner and forgetting your family or focus on your personal projects and hobbies and forget to take care of your professional life.

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  • Learn more about the meaning of the Moon in the Astrological Chart
  • Discover the story behind the sign of Aries
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Last but not least, it is essential that this person does not lose himself in the natural magnetism he has, which can cause him to end up hurting a lot of people out there or to get lost in the midst of his own egotism, becoming more in love with yourself than with other people or with life.

These are the main characteristics of people influenced by the Moon in Aries, but if you want to know exactly what it says about you, you need to interpret your birth chart in its entirety, because the positions of the planets and the stars interfere with each other and influence the characteristics brought by each other.

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