Sagittarius zodiac sign traits

Humorous, optimistic and adventure lovers! These are the Sagittarians, who are also quite lively and are always trying to make anyone smile in any situation. But do you know the details of the Sagittarius sign, like its symbol and how your astral hell works?

The time has come to unravel every little detail of Sagittarius and discover everything that this sign indicates about a person!

Sun in Sagittarius

In an Astral Chart, each star and each planet exerts a different influence on us. This happens because, in addition to these stars having a different meaning and influence, they are also affected by the signs they transited at the moment we were born. The Sun, for example, is a star that indicates our essence, that is, the main characteristics that command our personality and that indicate who we are. A person who has the Sun in Sagittarius, therefore, has the main pillars of his personality influenced by the natural characteristics of this sign.

Sagittarius Symbols

The symbol of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is a centaur wielding a bow and arrow. The centaur is a creature from Greek mythology that has the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse. It is, above all, a duality: the wisdom that only a human can have combined with the strength and speed of a horse. As for the bow and arrow, the arrow symbolizes the Sagittarius will to point in new directions and, in this way, transcend and go in search of the new.

Sagittarius zodiac sign traits

Sagittarius zodiac sign in love

Sagittarius are, above all, very captivating people, because they always have a smile on their face and are known to be extremely truthful and sincere. Also, they have a very positive way of looking at life. All these characteristics demonstrate that the Sagittarius only matches, in a loving relationship, with a person who is also positive and concerned about seeing the bright side of life. Melancholy and negative people do not suit Sagittarius natives, who do not like relationships full of complications, sadness and threats. They want to be happy!

Sagittarius personality

Sagittarius is a person who gives what he receives, so if he is treated with kindness and delicacy, he will return this treatment in the same measure, but if he is treated aggressively... They are very smiling, positive and are always trying to cheer others up. Furthermore, they are good advisors and bring with them a wisdom that is almost innate, meaning something they have from birth. They are adventurous people who do not like comfort and stagnation very much, because they prioritize being on the move all the time.

Sagittarius zodiac sign traits

The native of Sagittarius doesn't work if he doesn't have goals, so, being a distracted person who is always looking for adventures and novelties, he ends up getting lost if he doesn't know exactly what he wants in life. He is above all an ethical and fair person, so he is usually quite sincere and does not mince words when expressing his opinion, which can displease some people and even cause conflicts. Rather than being overly rational or emotional, Sagittarius is intuitive, so instead of looking for logic in a problem or just taking their feelings into account to solve it, they trust their intuition.

Sagittarius zodiac sign traits
Anastasia Gepp / Pixabay

Sagittarius and the other signs

β€” Aries: Aries and Sagittarius are very adventurous and love freedom, as well as being impulsive and love a good mood, so it's a great combination!

β€” Taurus: Taurus like comfort and well-being, without craziness or too much fuss, which counters the adventurous essence of Sagittarius.

β€” Gemini: Gemini and Sagittarius are very good-natured, happy and always looking for ways to laugh, which can be great or a nuisance in the long run.

β€” Cancer: Cancerians are quite affectionate and needy, as opposed to Sagittarius, who are adventurous and more detached, so there's not much of a match.

β€” Leo: great match, because Leo and Sagittarius are very positive and excited, as well as loving challenges and adventures.

β€” Virgo: tricky combination, because Sagittarians are more impulsive when it comes to fun and excitement, while Virgos are more methodical, contained and analytical.

Sagittarius zodiac sign traits
Free-Photos / Pixabay

β€” Libra: Libras are quite optimistic, so they match Sagittarius, and they both hate disagreements, fights and conflicts, so they might be a good match.

β€” Scorpio: Scorpio is probably too romantic, clingy and jealous to match Sagittarius, who likes freedom above all else.

β€” Sagittarius: a combination between Sagittarius depends on the moment in life these people are in, because they are very objective and get straight to the point. If the moment of life is different, unfortunately there will be no conciliation.

β€” Capricorn: Many incompatibilities, starting with the fact that Sagittarius is spontaneous, objective and direct, while Capricorn takes time to feel comfortable and to trust.

β€” Aquarius: Aquarius and Sagittarius don't like routine and love novelty, as well as being optimistic, progressive and spontaneous, so things may work out.

β€” Pisces: very incompatible, because Pisces needs someone to be their safe haven, while Sagittarius likes to go sailing around with their little boat, aimlessly.

Sagittarius Astral Hell

Sagittarius' astral hell occurs 30 days before his birthday, so it begins to occur with the Sun in Scorpio. It is a period when Sagittarians become very brooding and suspicious of everything, which makes them themselves become very unreliable people. Also, they get cranky, and anything can get them mad and make them want to fight back. Because of these characteristics, it can happen that Sagittarius ends up sabotaging their own career and their own relationships.

Sagittarius zodiac sign traits

Sagittarius Decans

1st decan (22/11 to 01/12): Sincere and playful, they find it easy to learn and to communicate with people of all kinds. They are quite stubborn and don't give up easily.

2nd decan (02/12 to 11/12): Intense, energetic and courageous, they are Sagittarius who end up being too sincere at times, but are also known for infecting everyone with enthusiasm.

3rd decan (12/12 - 21/12): Lively, optimistic, and very vain, these Sagittarians love to party, fuck, and take advantage of any excuse to have fun out there. These are people who create a lot of expectations.

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These are the main characteristics of the Sagittarius sign! If you are a Sagittarius, but you want to know yourself even more, it is recommended that you make an Astral Map to understand how each star and each planet affects you and how all of them, together, influence your personality.

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