Astral map as a self-knowledge tool β€” Meaning of the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter

Exercising self-knowledge is what allows us to develop our skills, fight our defects and relate better to other people. Among the many different ways to do this, we can also mention Astrology. With it, we understand how each element of the universe acts on us, defining our personality.

To have access to all this knowledge, we just need to develop our Astral Map, on a reliable website or with professionals, based on information about our birth, such as date, place and time. With this data it is possible to identify the stars, planets and constellations that will guide us throughout life.

Despite the ease of obtaining all the information about your Astral Map, analyzing it can still be very difficult. After all, it is necessary to understand very well about the planets, about the Sun, about the Moon and about the stars and only then study how they form someone's character.

With the series of articles we have prepared on Astrology and self-knowledge, however, you don't have to worry about any of that. Next, you will understand how the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter influence your personality. Then, at the bottom of the page, you will find links to other articles about the Astral Map!

Mercury planet

Astral map as a self-knowledge tool β€” Meaning of the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter
Line Cave / Pexels

Mercury Consciousness is responsible for mental and cognitive enhancement. Your position indicates how you communicate, learn and metabolize information. Mercury brings to humanity the need to expand ideas and develop new concepts so that there is evolution in the media, in the formation of language and in the area of ​​education. It brought the objective of teaching us the meaning of flexibility, because only in this way is it possible to learn and open up to new ideas.

Venus planet

The Venus Consciousness is responsible for the development of self-love and for the way in which this feeling of being worthy manifests beautiful situations on the face of the Earth. We attract exactly what we believe we deserve. Receiving the best in life consists of doing our best daily, through loving and balancing acts. That's why the teaching of Venus is to raise the sense of self-worth for life. The result that we receive in the affective field and in the financial sector is born from the STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS OF VENUS.

Planet Mars

Astral map as a self-knowledge tool β€” Meaning of the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter
Maksim Goncharenok / Pexels

Mars Consciousness is responsible for the development of the will. Mars has the purpose of bringing to humanity the search for the GREATER CAUSE, which motivates us to develop COURAGE and DECISION. Mars brings us the sense of the HEROIC ACT, an attribute necessary to evaluate the character of an individual. The concept of aggressiveness is seen for this position as a necessary attribute, because from time to time we act in love or we act in rigor. Love and Rigor are sustained by the WILL. His teaching is to curb instincts, which end up being manifested by thoughtless actions, that is, without awareness, about struggles that are really worth facing. When we enter a battle, we realize that the war is internal, that is, our enemy is ourselves, who, driven by instincts, put everything to lose.

  • Health and work in Astrology
  • Know the meanings of the zodiac signs
  • Decipher the meaning of the Moon in your Astrological Chart
  • Mars and Saturn in 2020: the big highlights

Planet Jupiter

Jupiter Consciousness is responsible for the development of Ethics in our experiences. Seeking universal knowledge is essential for us to develop healthy beliefs for our growth. It gives us access to culture, the philosophical field, and a broader view of life, which belongs to seekers. That's why his intention is that we become THE SEEKER. Jupiter teaches us how important restlessness and doubt are to find the RIGHT ANSWERS, but it is only possible through an ETHICAL treaty, because only in this way is it possible to achieve UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE.

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