Understand the meaning of having an Aquarius Ascendant

If you've ever talked to someone who knows a lot about Astrology, you've probably heard the question β€œwhat about your ascendant?”, after saying your sign. This is because while a person's Sun sign says a lot about them, it still doesn't say everything.

So, to do a more in-depth analysis about someone, you need to find out the ascendant of that individual. From the date, place and time of birth, it is possible to draw up your Astral Map, and with it, discover your rising sign, that is, the sign that was appearing on the eastern horizon at the time you was born.

Understand the meaning of having an Aquarius Ascendant
Free-Photos / Pixabay

But what exactly does the Ascendant say about a person's personality? It is he who defines how someone will be perceived by others, what is the image he conveys. In many cases, this information is as important as knowledge of an individual's own essence.

To venture more and more into the universe of Astrology, in this way, start by unraveling the ascendant in Aquarius. What are his characteristics? How does a person with this astrological aspect act? Sharpen your curiosity and answer your questions with each topic we have prepared!

Characteristics of an Aquarius Ascendant

A word that defines the person who has an Aquarius ascendant is freedom. In all areas of her life, she will act according to her own convictions, and may even break the rules and break with traditions. This makes this person perceived as someone who is very original and who is always looking for new experiences.

On the other hand, the excessive desire for freedom can also cause this person to be seen in a negative way, as if he is too eccentric or innovative. For those who are more conversational, for example, these characteristics are not very pleasant, and eventually cause repulsion.

Understand the meaning of having an Aquarius Ascendant
Thatsphotography / Pixabay

Fortunately, those who have an Aquarius ascendant find it easier to adapt to the changes in the world and fight for them, as they are curious, flexible people who are not bound by limiting prejudices. It is these characteristics that make them also great friends, with great facility for building new relationships.

Challenges of an Aquarius Ascendant

Although the ascendant in Aquarius brings very positive characteristics to a person's personality, this does not mean that he is free from defects. In fact, there are challenges that she will have to deal with in order to live in harmony with others, to have more stability in life and to not be seen with repressive eyes.

It is common, for example, for people with an Aquarius ascendant to be ridiculed for acting, speaking or dressing in a totally innovative way. Because they are free, they may not mind this kind of judgment, but it can affect them in social environments where they depend on other people's approval for something.

Also, the desire to change the world that is very present in this astrological aspect can lead to conflicts with conservative and traditional people. Even if the world needs to change, it's important to be able to identify the discussions that are worthwhile and those that will only create more stress and tension.

Love for an Aquarius Ascendant

Freedom and love go together, and proof of that is the relationship for those with an Aquarius ascendant. Although these people are often seen as cold or distant, the truth is that they don't feel the need to show all the affection they feel for someone.

Understand the meaning of having an Aquarius Ascendant
Mabel Amber / Pixabay

Individuals who have Aquarius as their rising sign, however, will always cherish their own freedom and the freedom of the other person, ensuring that they feel comfortable and happy in a relationship. In general, they are attracted to those who have the ability to communicate and a desire to make the most of each experience.

This means that if you love a person who has this astrological aspect and you feel that they don't show you so much love, calm down! This is just a not-so-traditional way to experience romantic love, but it's also full of warmth and affection. Give it one more chance and cherish this other way of loving!

Work for an Aquarius Ascendant

One of the main characteristics of those with an Aquarius ascendant is their concern for society. These people are always looking for social justice, the end of inequality and the transformation of the world. All these qualities are essential to the work environment, no matter what it is.

Therefore, these individuals can achieve great professional success, especially in the humanities. They stand out as artists, journalists and advertisers, although they can act as philosophers, researchers, lawyers and activists for countless causes.

Understand the meaning of having an Aquarius Ascendant
StartupStockPhotos / Pixabay

Another important factor for the work of those who have an Aquarius ascendant is routine. Working in offices, with limited hours or with very tight deadlines does not suit the freedom of those who have this personality. That way, that person is more likely to find happiness with a flexible work schedule.

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After learning everything about who has an Aquarius ascendant, you will be able to talk better about this sign when you are asked about it. Show how inspiring the freedom and originality of these individuals can be and remember that a different way of loving is still love. Keep investigating the stars more and more!

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